The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 128 Who's there, come out!

Chapter 128 Who's there, come out!
Watching the skeleton struggling in pain in the fire, the guards nearby felt a chill rushing from the soles of their feet into their blood.

They were still apprehensive about the skeleton corpses, holding the long swords around their waists nervously, but their legs involuntarily took several steps back.

However, the fire was so intense that the skeletons that were about to wake up were engulfed in flames before they could climb out of the coffin.

The guard uniforms on them ignited in case of fire, and the skeletons gradually became silent as they struggled in the coffin.

Under the burning of the fire, the joints of the skeleton body were broken and fell apart, and in the blink of an eye, it became a pile of blackened dead bones.

The guards secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the skeleton had completely stopped moving.

Although they are young men carefully selected by the country, all of them are strong and strong, but this is the first time they have seen such a strange skeleton.

Today, Zhang San and Li Si gave demonstrations to all the guards in the yamen more than once, how to hold their breath when facing skeleton corpses, and how to escape correctly, but the difference between theory and practice is too great, they still dare not approach these six monsters easily corpse.

At this moment, even though they saw the skeletons burned to ashes with their own eyes, they still did not act rashly, for fear that more terrifying ghosts would jump out of the fire.

Cang Jin looked up at the man with furrowed brows, and reminded in a low voice, "Your Highness, the skeleton body has been calcined into ashes, and the crisis is temporarily resolved."

Cang Yanlai didn't answer, and there was a jumping light in his dark and deep phoenix eyes.

The next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, his expression changed, and he quickly turned around and walked towards the gate.

Cang Jin didn't know why he left suddenly, and he felt a little puzzled in his heart, but he still hurried to catch up, "Your Highness!"

Cang Yanlei glanced at him, and ordered in a deep voice, "The murderer should take action, you should go and check the movements on the streets immediately!"

Cang Jin was not in the yamen all day today, and he didn't know about Feng Qingcheng being the bait. After listening to the man's words, he bowed his head and accepted the order, "Yes!"

With a flash of his figure, he disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

The official road in the capital leads all the way to the outside of the city. On the spacious road, there is only a slender figure.

Feng Qingcheng was dressed in a crescent white robe, and she seemed to be walking on the road. She held a self-defense dagger in her sleeve.

But she knew very well in her heart that if she really encountered a skeleton corpse, the two daggers would have no effect at all.

To completely control them, ultimately rely on witchcraft.

During this time, she has been studying ancient books that record witchcraft, and tonight is also the time to test her learning results.

Feng Qingcheng continued to walk forward. She walked around the main road of the capital for nearly an hour, her legs were a little sore, but the two skeletons hadn't appeared yet.

Could it be that her guess was wrong?Or is it that the other party has already guessed her purpose, so she doesn't plan to act tonight?

Feng Qingcheng was hesitating whether to retreat tonight, and went to the yamen to ask how the situation at Cang Yanli's side was, and whether the cremation of the corpse was going smoothly.

After walking a few meters further, Feng Qingcheng's ears moved, and her footsteps stopped suddenly.

She looked condensed, staring at the intersection in front of her without blinking.

Her hearing was much more sensitive than that of ordinary girls, even though it was pitch black ahead, she still heard extremely slight footsteps.

The whole capital is under curfew, and what appears at this time is either a skeleton or a murderer.

Feng Qingcheng's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice, "Who's there? Come out!"

She waited for a moment, no one responded, but the footsteps did not stop.

'Crack!creak! 'Come closer in her direction.

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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