The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 134 "Hiss" suddenly opened his bloody mouth!

Chapter 134 Hissing!

A woman's scream pierced the silence of the night and resounded through the East Garden of the palace.

Cang Yanlei opened the door the first time he heard her cry, and rushed to the door with big strides.

I saw Feng Qingcheng sitting on the ground not far away, with a huge python coiled in front of her.

The snake scales all over her body were so black that they shone brightly, and Biyingying's vertical pupils stared at Feng Qingcheng, spitting out blood-red letters one after another.

There is a small piece of white thin scale on its forehead, which grows into the shape of an eye, as if the eyes of the sky have been opened, and the cold light is fierce and terrifying.

Feng Qingcheng's face turned pale with fright, and her eyes were full of horror as she looked at the python.

In her previous life, she was most afraid of this kind of mollusk. When she raised her head to meet its eyes that were bigger than copper bells, her legs went limp on the spot.

At this time, the boa constrictor was coiled in front of her, and as it spit out the letter, its sharp fangs shone coldly white in the night.

Feng Qingcheng's throat was so tight that she couldn't even utter a sound, her body seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force, her hands and feet were heavy and she couldn't move.

Right now, she was so frightened that she was about to die, but she still forced herself to look at the boa constrictor.

She had to pay close attention to its movements, and in case it wanted to eat her, she had to think of a countermeasure immediately.

Her scalp was numb from being stared at by the python, but it didn't make any further movements, and stared at her with its triangular head, which was about the size of a human head.

In fact, Feng Qingcheng would rather it give her a good time, looking at each other like this is really tormenting!
In just a few seconds, it seemed like a century to her.

After Cang Yanlei rushed out of the room, looking at this shocking scene, the expression in his brows and eyes suddenly sank.

When he raised his right hand, a cold light appeared between his fingers, which was like a needle piercing through the bone.

As long as the boa constrictor makes any trouble, he will strike first, oh no, it is a snake.

At the same time, the huge snake scale that Cang Jin picked up at the scene of the crime immediately came to his mind, which turned out to belong to this snake.

So, did it kill Wang Dalong?

The venom secreted by such a boa constrictor should be enough to corrode the flesh and blood of a living person, but then the watchman just touched the corpse, why would the corpse be corroded?

No matter how poisonous the poisonous snake is, it shouldn't be so powerful, right?It is even more impossible to 'resurrect' the corpse.

Then, the real murderer behind the scenes should be the owner of the python.

If you catch this python, you may be able to get more clues.

Thinking of this, Cang Yanlei glanced at Feng Qingcheng, and asked in a deep voice, "Have you been hurt by it?"

Feng Qingcheng's mouth moved, and it took a while to find her own voice, and she replied two words in a hoarse voice, "No."

If you listen carefully, you will find that her voice is a little trembling.

Cang Yanmei frowned, and after pondering for a moment, he said, "Stay there and don't move, I'll lure him away."

Judging from her face, she must have been greatly frightened, not to mention her, even seeing such a huge boa constrictor had a huge shock in his heart.

"do not……"

However, before Feng Qingcheng had time to stop him, the man turned his wrist, and dozens of cold lights shot out from between his fingers.

Those silver awns shone with a cold color in the night, piercing straight to the python's seven inches.

However, the scales of the boa constrictor are extremely hard, like a thick layer of armor, and Cang Yanli's silver needle only (mo) went in a small section of the needle head, and stopped moving.

The python under attack was enraged on the spot, it quickly turned its huge triangular head, stared at Cang Yanli with cold vertical pupils, and opened its bloody mouth with a 'hiss'.

 Four more, I wish all the little fairies a happy May Day, please vote~
(End of this chapter)

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