The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 147 "The Prison is an important place, idlers are not allowed to enter!

Chapter 147 "The Prison is an important place, idlers are not allowed to enter!

Bi Yue looked at the angry crowd outside, and looked worriedly at the person sitting opposite, "Miss, what should we do now?"

"Fortunately, I was prepared." Feng Qingcheng threw a bundle in front of her, "Change your clothes first, we definitely won't be able to get in in this state."

Bi Yue took the heavy burden, "Miss, what's in it?"

"The best pass to enter the government office." While Feng Qingcheng was speaking, she opened another bag, which contained a set of guard uniforms for Prince Rui's residence, "Hurry up and change clothes."

"it is good."

Feng Qingcheng ordered the coachman to drive the carriage to the corner of the street, and after changing their outfits, they held swords in their hands and majestically ordered the crowd to make way to the government office.

After sneaking into the government office smoothly, Biyue asked worriedly, "Miss, is the injury on your arm okay? There were so many people outside just now, did they meet you?"

It wasn't that she kept reminding herself that Feng Qingcheng almost forgot that she was still a wounded person.

However, she really couldn't feel the pain in her arm, and now she even felt that the injured arm was stronger than the uninjured arm.

But right now she didn't have time to think deeply, she just patted Bi Yue on the shoulder and said to her, "Let's go, let's go see aunt first."


When the two came to the cell where the murderer was held, they were stopped by the guards guarding the door.

"The prison is a heavy place, and idlers are not allowed to enter."

"We're not idle..."

Before Biyue could finish her sentence, Feng Qingcheng stopped her. She coughed lightly, and took out a token from her pocket, "Your Highness, Fourth Highness, has a question to ask Feng Yu, let me send a message."

The officer frowned, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Didn't you just get interrogated?"

Feng Qingcheng deliberately lowered her voice, and said in a deep voice, "How can we guess His Highness's thoughts? We just run errands and do our duty."

The guard didn't ask any more questions, but waved his hand, "Go in."

Seeing that he let go, Bi Yue immediately said happily, "Thank you, big brother!"

Seeing that Feng Qingcheng had already gone far after speaking, he hurried to catch up.

The cell was dark and damp, with an unpleasant musty smell in the air.

As soon as Bi Yue stepped into the cell door, she covered her nose.She looked left and right, and when she saw the prisoner locked up in the cell, she shrugged her shoulders and whispered to Feng Qingcheng, "Miss, this place is so scary!"

Feng Qingcheng nodded, and replied casually, "Of course it's terrible, most of the people detained here have their lives on their backs!"

"Ah!" Biyue flinched and shrank behind her, feeling terrified, "Miss, is Aunt Fengbo really locked up here?"

"En." Feng Qingcheng had been to the government office before, and she knew something about the structure and terrain here, so she continued to walk deeper.

Since everyone believed that Feng Zhi was the murderer, they would definitely lock her up in the strongest cell alone.

Biyue still wanted to speak again, but at this moment, a prisoner in the cell next to her suddenly rushed to the door and stretched out his hand through the gap between the bars of the cell door, "Let me out! I was wronged! Let me out! "

His hand grabbed the corner of Biyue's clothes, and Biyue screamed in fright, "Miss, help me!"

"I knew I wouldn't take you out, look at your potential!" Feng Qingcheng turned her wrist, and the scabbard of the saber directly slapped the prisoner's hand.

After Biyue was freed, she didn't dare to leave the prison cell anymore, and followed her closely, "Miss, there are murderers here! How can I not be afraid!"

"Didn't that person just say that he was wronged?"

Bi Yue immediately curled her lips and said, "How can you believe the words of the murderer?"

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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