The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 163 You Are Domestic Violence!

Chapter 163 You Are Domestic Violence!
"What's the problem?" Feng Qing looked up at him, her slender eyelashes cast a faint shadow on her fair face, "It's time to test your strength and physical strength! You have to prove that you are a man, if you lose to Cang Jin Shame on you, right?"

But this level of aggression is of no use to him.

Cang Yanlei's careless voice sounded above her head. It was deep and pleasant, but it made her teeth itch with anger, "There are many ways to prove that you are a man. Why does this hall choose the most difficult one? The princess weighs herself, so why do you think it's difficult?" No points?"

Feng Qingcheng, "..."

No matter how old a woman is, she is obsessed with the mystery of her weight, but now this man dares to despise her for being fat, he is digging his own grave!
Her small universe was about to erupt, and she clenched her fists, "Where am I fat? It's obviously you who can't do it! How dare you dislike me? Look at her! Doing things and not talking is the way of a man. Who talks so much nonsense like you? "

Biyue and Feng Qingcheng are very similar in body shape, and their weight should not be much different. Cang Jin walked ahead with Biyue on his back, with a steady breath and a vigorous posture, not affected by the weight at all.

For Feng Qingcheng to brag about other men so blatantly, she was totally provoking someone.

Cang Yanlei raised his long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly, his eyes looked dangerous, "What is he doing? The palace asked him to accompany him, isn't it just for someone to do physical work?"

He was a pampered prince since he was a child. Except for the few years when he was on the battlefield, he lived in a difficult environment, and he usually kept his fingers out of the sun. When did he ever do such a thing as carrying someone up the mountain?

Feng Qingcheng listened to his natural tone, and her pretty face sank, "I am your wife, if you don't mind letting other men carry me up the mountain, I don't care! Let me down, you can just let that so-and-so at the foot of the mountain come over Carry me! Anyway, I don't have to be hugged by you!"

In order to express her dissatisfaction with him, Feng Qingcheng twisted her waist as she spoke, making a gesture to get off the ground.

However, as soon as she moved, the man's arm holding her tightened, "Don't move."

Feng Qingcheng, however, seemed to be angry, and continued to twist and twist, "I can move as much as I want, can you control me? Let me down quickly! I'll go by myself!"

In the next second, there was a 'snap', and the man raised his hand to pat her moving buttocks.

Feng Qingcheng was stunned, stupefied on the spot, and took a few seconds to recover, "..."

So, did this man just spank, spank her ass?
In her two lifetimes, she has never been treated like this by anyone in her memory!Not even biological parents!
What kind of onion is he, who dares to spank her ass?
She widened her eyes and became angry from embarrassment, "Cang Yanli! You, you, who allowed you to spank my ass?"

The man replied lightly, "You also said that you are the wife married by the palace's eight palanquins. Who else do you need to ask for permission to beat you? As long as the palace is happy."

He can hit her as he pleases?

Does this speak human words?
Feng Qingcheng glared at each other, clenched her fist accusingly, "You are domestic violence!"

"What fake hug?" Cang Yanwei frowned, and corrected solemnly, "It's clearly a real hug in this hall! It's real! You're right!"

Domestic violence is not equal to fake hugs, brother!
Feng Qingcheng, "..."

well!There is an insurmountable gap between them for hundreds of years, communication is really strenuous!I don't want to talk to him anymore!

She lowered her head and buried her whole face in the man's arms.

Didn't he want to hug her?Alright, then let him hug him enough!

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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