The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 193 How Can You Let Her Go Easily?

Chapter 193 How Can You Let Her Go Easily?
When the doctor left, Cang Li leaned over to the bedside, his big black eyes blinked, his white and tender face was full of worry, "Father, does your wound still hurt?"

"Man, this little injury is nothing." Cang Yanwei played handsome in front of his son, paused and said, "A Li, father is hungry, go to the kitchen to see if breakfast is ready .”

"Okay, Ah Li is going now!" Cang Li nodded bluntly, turned around and ran out with short legs.

Feng Qingcheng knew that Cang Yanlu was deliberately dismissing the little guy, but she didn't want to be alone with him, so she quickly said, "I'll go with Ah Li."

"Princess," Cang Yanwei called her, pointed his chin at the basin on the table, and reminded lightly, "You've only wiped half of it."

Feng Qingcheng didn't want to rub it anymore, so she simply used the doctor's words as an excuse, "The doctor said that your wound should not be wet."

Cang Yanlei curled his lips slightly, "Everything must be done from the beginning to the end. As long as you don't touch the wound, there should be no problem. This hall believes that such a small matter will not trouble the princess."

The man's eyes were dark, and he looked at her fixedly, Feng Qingcheng looked at him for a few seconds, and was defeated.

She sighed softly, bent down and picked up the towel, "The towel is dirty, I'll go get a new one."

Cang Yanli raised his finger and pointed to the closet not far away, "There are towels there."

Feng Qingcheng quickly found a new towel and continued to wipe him. When she finished wiping his upper body, she immediately felt awkward looking at his pants.

She pursed her lips, "Why don't you just wipe it here?"

"No, what's the difference between half rubbing and not rubbing?" Cang Yanli was quite looking forward to her wiping his lower body for him, how could he let her go so easily?
Feng Qingcheng looked at his handsome face with sharp edges and corners, and suddenly felt that his expression at the moment was like that of a child playing with his temper.

She struggled for a few seconds, gritted her teeth, and bent over to untie his belt.

I've done such things as rubbing his back before, and I've seen him all the time, but now he's being coy and pretentious.

She thought so, but when she actually went to take off his pants, her hands were still trembling.

Especially when the man's gaze was fixed on her face, her heart beat inexplicably faster, and a trace of subtle emotion crossed the lake of her heart, causing ripples.

Feng Qingcheng tried her best to hypnotize herself, not to treat him as a man, but to treat her as serving a benefactor who saved her life.

Just thinking about it, the hand she took off his pants accidentally touched a certain part of his abdomen.

When she heard the breathing of the man above her head became heavier and faster, she only felt that the temperature of the hand that touched him gradually became hot.

She bit her lip annoyedly, and the hand that took advantage of the man seemed to have nowhere to put it, and she didn't know where to extend it.

"Princess, Ah Li will be back soon."

A man's vague urging came from her ear, and Feng Qingcheng suddenly felt powerless in a hurry.

"I'm trying to figure out a way to take off your pants?" She raised her eyelids and glanced at him angrily, "Don't just sit still, help me figure out a way!"

"My hall, take it off by yourself." Seeing that she was impatient, Cang Yanlu supported the bed with one hand, and took off his pants with the other.

Feng Qingcheng saw that his movements seemed to be strenuous, and felt uncomfortable in his conscience, "I'll help you."

I don't know if it's because her hands are too strong, or the man's sitting sideways posture is a bit dangerous. When she pulled the pants off his legs, Cang Yanlei's body suddenly shook.

Feng Qingcheng thought that he was going to fall, but before she had time to think about it, she dropped the pants in her hand and supported him.

She put one hand under his armpit, and the other hand fell on his crotch by coincidence, and she grabbed his second brother perfectly!
 Fourth watch, ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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