Chapter 195 Who Is Playing, Huh?

Feng Qingcheng replied angrily, "If there is a problem, there will be a problem. What does it matter to me?"

Cang Yanlei squinted his long and narrow eyes, and his voice was a bit hoarse, "Princess, if something goes wrong, it will be difficult for you for the rest of your life."

Feng Qingcheng threw the towel into the washbasin, folded her hands on her chest, deliberately provoking the man's bottom line, "Who said that? There are a lot of green grasslands outside the palace, at worst, I will climb the wall and go out to raise wild horses."

Although Cang Yanli didn't quite understand her words, he vaguely understood what she wanted to express.His eyes darkened, and there was a bit of danger in his eyes, "If the princess dares, this palace may cut off the four legs of the wild horse."

How many concubines are there in his mansion?How dare you take care of her?

Typically, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps!

Feng Qingcheng snorted lightly, turned around and drew out the long sword hanging on the wall beside him, "Cang Yanli, when you cut off the four legs of the wild horse, did you ever think that I might cut off your third leg first?"

Her posture is clearly on the shoulders of the man.

Cang Yanwei saw that her movement with the sword was just a show, and he didn't take her threat seriously, but changed his sitting position unhurriedly, and said calmly, "Princess, if you ruin the rest of your life with your own hands, Happiness?"

Feng Qingcheng didn't know where she got so much courage, she took the blade and tapped him somewhere, "It seems to be quite flexible!"

When she said this, she smiled and frowned, with the expression of a big devil who did something bad.

Cang Yanli really didn't expect that she would dare to make such a bold and reckless move, he just felt blood surge all over his body, the color in his phoenix eyes darkened, and even his breathing became short of breath.

He bit his lip, with a dangerous glint in his eyes, "Feng Qingcheng, you are flirting!"

"So what?" Feng Qingcheng relied on his injuries, so she was completely confident.

She blinked at him, like a little fox doing bad things, "However, given the current physical condition of Your Majesty, you must be powerless to put out the fire, right?"

Cang Yanlei was breathing heavily, and his phoenix eyes were narrowed, "Princess, if you speak quickly in front of this hall, the consequences will be very serious."

Feng Qingcheng was not afraid at all, and continued to die, "What are the consequences? I don't believe that a wounded and sick person can do anything to me?"

It may be that she has already started, and she has become more courageous. She stepped forward without stopping and took two steps forward with her index finger to slowly swipe his well-defined eight-pack abs, "Your Highness, I really didn't expect you to hide your secrets." Well, you have a good figure!"

This woman fanned him presumptuously, deliberately making fun of him.

Cang Yanlei's breath was unsteady, he gritted his teeth, and quickly grabbed her hand that made trouble, and pulled it.

Feng Qingcheng was having fun, but she didn't expect the man to make a big move, and she fell into his arms all at once.

She was startled, and wanted to push him reflexively, but she was afraid that such a slap would hit his waist again, so she could only put her hands on his sides, "Cang Yanli, stop playing! You are still sick now." Suffering!"

"Play?" The man accentuated the word, with the taste of gnashing his teeth, wishing to punish this little woman on the spot, "Who is playing, huh?"

Feng Qingcheng coughed guiltily, not daring to look at him, "I won't play anymore, let's continue to take a bath."

"Stop it now, it's too late." Cang Yancang didn't give her another chance to refuse, pinched her chin, lowered his head and kissed her hard.

His actions were a little rough, obviously punitive.

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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