The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 213 Could She Be Masochistic?

Chapter 213 Could She Be Masochistic?

"Okay." Cang Yanli did not continue to evade as she expected, but quickly agreed.

Feng Qingcheng glanced at him, her emotions gradually calmed down, and she always felt as if she had fallen into a pit again.

But after all the words were spoken, she could only bite the bullet and stay.

"Come on."

Cang Yanlei yelled towards the door, and immediately a servant trotted to the door, "Your Highness, what are your orders?"

"Have someone bring a bucket of hot water over, the main hall needs to take a bath."


When Feng Qingcheng heard the words, an inconceivable expression appeared on his face, "Cang Yanli, didn't you just take a shower this afternoon? Why did you take a shower again?"

The man glanced at her, and replied calmly, "I fell down when I was going to the bathroom just now, and my clothes were all dirty, how can I sleep if I don't change into a clean one?"

"Tch! You're the only one who has a lot to do!" Feng Qingcheng rolled her eyes at him speechlessly, paused for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said, "Don't expect me to wash it for you!"

Cang Yanwei raised his eyebrows, "Princess Wang is too worried, this hall can take a bath now."

Of course, there was another very important reason why Cang Yanlei didn't let her take a bath, and that was because he was worried that using the same excuse every time to bother her would make her feel disgusted.

He still understands the truth that enough is enough.

Feng Qingcheng obviously didn't want to help him take a bath, but when she heard the man say the words of self-reliance, she felt a little inexplicably disappointed, which was quite unpleasant.

What the hell, is she prone to masochism?

Now that he is not enslaved to do this or that, she is not used to it?
The boy moved quickly, and the bath water was ready in a short while.

Sure enough, Cang Yanlu didn't call her, and went to take a bath behind the screen by himself, his steps were very small, and every step was quite strenuous.

It seems that the fall outside just now was not easy.

The candlelight in the room was flickering, casting the man's shadow on the screen very clearly. Feng Qingcheng watched his slow and clumsy undressing movements, several times she wanted to rush in to help, but she still gritted her teeth and held back.

There are so many servants in the mansion, and he refuses to let them come and serve, who can be blamed?

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of water behind the screen stopped, and Cang Yanli got out of the tub. From the shadow on the screen, it could be seen that he was wiping the water off his body.

Since the injury at the back of his waist is still not healed, his movement of wiping the water looks a little slow, but there is a different kind of temptation in his eyes, which is particularly seductive.

Feng Qingcheng stared at the shadow on the screen without blinking, watching him wipe the towel from his neck, chest and abdomen all the way down.


She licked her lips involuntarily, and her throat felt a little dry and tight.

Is this man taking a bath or performing? It's just a matter of wiping off the water. Does he need to be so grumpy?

She was slandering, when suddenly there was a muffled 'bang' from behind the screen.

On the big bed, Cangli immediately turned his gaze to Feng Qingcheng when he heard the sound, and his crisp baby voice was raised several decibels, "Father!"

The action was faster than consciousness, Feng Qingcheng turned over and got out of bed, before even putting on her shoes, she rushed to the back of the screen with bare feet, "Cang Yanli!"

Cang Yanlai raised his eyes to look at the woman who ran in, and raised the end of his eyes with some surprise, "Princess, what's wrong?"

Feng Qingcheng swept over his long black hair that was dripping water, and slowly moved her eyes down. The man's upper body was not dressed yet, only a pair of trousers.

His figure is a typical type that looks thin when he is dressed, and has flesh when he takes off his clothes.

At this moment, her body was still covered with moisture, and under her delicate collarbone was a chest with well-defined texture, which inexplicably gave off a refreshing and sexy feeling.

 Fourth watch, thank you little fairy [Qing Hua Man Wu] for your reward, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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