The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 215 Help the main hall change clothes!

Chapter 215 Help the main hall change clothes!
The man kissed very hard, without the slightest hint of sympathy.

This kiss was full of aggression, domineering and strong, and full of punishment.

Feng Qingcheng felt that her lips were numb from his kiss, she was so angry and angry, she beat him with her hands and pushed him, "Let go... cang... um..."

Cang Yanlu was indifferent to her resistance, he held the back of her head with his big hand and sucked kisses, Feng Qingcheng looked at the handsome face of the man so close, and felt that the breath sprayed out by his breath seemed to carry electric current, penetrating her skin Her nerves were shocked, and she was so numb that she couldn't think.

Cang Yanlu pinched her waist with the other hand, making him unable to move at all. Feng Qingcheng was trapped between her chest and arms by him, and gradually lost her strength from being kissed.

She fell limply in his arms, with her ears pressed against his chest, she could hear the man's steady and powerful heartbeat.

Cang Yanlai kissed her lips recklessly, the kiss became deeper and deeper, wishing to swallow her directly into his belly.

It wasn't until Feng Qingcheng couldn't breathe well that he hit his chest one after another with his small fist, that he restrained himself and let her go slowly.

Feng Qingcheng panted heavily, her fair cheeks turned crimson, "Cang Yanli, why do you hate it so much?"

The man looked at the angry expression on her face, his thin lips curled up slightly, and he pulled her over to kiss her deeply again, "Is there anything more annoying, princess, do you want to learn?"

Feng Qingcheng looked at the handsome face of the man approaching, her head went blank, and she instinctively wanted to push him away, "You, crazy! Ah Li is still here!"

If you don't agree with each other and drive, you will bring children, okay?
Cang Yanlei raised the corners of his lips and smiled warmly, "In the process of getting along with women, there is nothing that can't be solved with one hot kiss. If there is, then kiss twice."

Feng Qingcheng covered his mouth with his hand after hearing this, and was so angry that she really wanted to bite him to death, "Cang Yanli, shut up!"

"The mouth is on my body, and I can say whatever I want." Cang Yanli narrowed his eyes, paused, and approached her ear, whispering in a voice that only two people could hear, "Wangfei If you don't want to hear it, you can stop the mouth of the hall, the hall is looking forward to it!"

"Fuck you!" Feng Qingcheng stared at him angrily, glanced at the little bald head who was consciously blindfolded from the corner of her eye, stretched out her hand and pulled him hard, "Mr. Rong is still waiting for you outside, you go over there!"

Cang Yan's eyes darkened, but there was no other emotion on his face, he just said indifferently, "Princess wants me to see Rong Jin?"

No matter how slow Feng Qingcheng was, she could sense that Rong Jin's emotional changes were related to Rong Jin. She bit her lips, "Isn't there an urgent matter to find you? If you leave him alone, if you miss something urgent, you will regret it." Impossible!"

I don't know which word in this sentence pleased the man, he seemed to have changed his mind suddenly, and there was a thin smile on his face, "Cang Jin, go and make a pot of good tea for Mr. Rong, the hall will be there soon." .”


When Cang Jin left, Cang Yanwei glanced at Feng Qingcheng again, and stretched out his hands like an old man, "Princess, help me change my clothes."

This guy didn't hurt his waist, but probably his brain, otherwise why would he look like a psychopath?She rolled her eyes angrily, "You wear it yourself!"

The man simply leaned against the head of the bed, and said calmly, "If the princess is unwilling, then I won't go to the palace."

Threatened her again!

Feng Qingcheng thought that Rong Jin was still staying, so in order not to waste time, she didn't argue with him anymore, she got up and got his robe and put it on for him, "Hurry up, Ah Li and I are going to sleep."

 One more, thank you little fairy 【Mo佲吉訬】for your reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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