The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 219 The maidservant heard that His Royal Highness went to the Spring Wind Tower last night a

Chapter 219 The maidservant heard that His Royal Highness went to the Spring Wind Tower last night and did not return all night!

Soon Haitang came back, but there was no doctor by her side, just a medicine box in her hand, "The doctor in Chunfenglou drank too much during the day and is still resting, I will treat the wound for you."

Cang Yanli pursed his thin lips tightly, and looked at her with dark and indiscernible deep meaning in his phoenix eyes. He was silent for a long time before sitting back at the table and spreading his hands on the table.

Haitang opened the medicine box and took out the tweezers, and focused on picking out the broken porcelain in his palm.

Neither of them spoke for a while, and the atmosphere was dull and awkward.

Haitang raised her head and glanced at the man, seeing that he was staring at her injured palm, wondering what he was thinking.

In order to divert his attention and alleviate the pain of picking broken porcelain pieces, she hesitated for a moment, and then broke the silence in the elegant room, "I have seen your princess, very beautiful."

Cang Yanli probably didn't expect that she would take the initiative to mention Feng Qingcheng, and he was slightly startled, thinking of the little girl's small appearance every time he was picked up to jump her feet, an imperceptible smile flashed across her eyes, "She, except There's nothing redeeming about that face."

He just said it casually, Haitang couldn't help tightening her five fingers holding the tweezers when she heard this.

Although she and him were not childhood sweethearts, they were fortunate enough to study together in the best private school in the capital for several years, and she also knew this man to a certain extent.

She could hear the disgusted pampering overflowing from the corners of his brows and eyes when he mentioned Feng Qingcheng.

Yes, it was clear that it was full of dislike, but only she could tell that the dislike was not really dislike.

Cang Yanlei probably also felt her emotional fluctuations, and glanced at her veiled face, "Sorry, that's not what I mean."

He thought she minded being mentioned about her pretty face, but that wasn't the case.

But Haitang didn't intend to explain, she just pulled the corner of her lower lip lightly, "It's okay, I've been used to it for a long time."

The topic came to an abrupt end, and the two fell into a deeper embarrassment than before.


The next day, early in the morning.

Feng Qingcheng was still lying on the bed, when she heard a young bald-headed voice next to her ear, "Mother! Get up, get up! Get up!"

Feng Qingcheng slept late last night and didn't want to wake up at all. She turned over and turned her back to him, muttering softly, "A Li, don't disturb me!"

"Mother, where is the father? Where did he go?"

"How do I know?" Feng Qingcheng replied in a daze without even opening his eyes, "He's a sick and wounded person who didn't sleep early in the morning, and he lost his waist because of being careful."


Before she finished speaking, the door of the wing room was pushed open from the outside, and then a hurried footstep stopped in front of the bed from far to near.

Seeing that she hadn't gotten up yet, Biyue said again, "Miss, it's not good, it's not good!"

"What do you mean by one or two? Is it possible for people to sleep in early in the morning?" Feng Qingcheng got up very angry and opened her eyes, staring at the visitor, "Why do you have to tell me now?"

Biyue looked at her expression from the corner of her eyes, and cautiously replied, "Miss, this servant heard that His Highness went to the Spring Wind Tower last night and didn't return all night."

Biyue just went to fetch water from the well, and wanted to wash her face with cold water to refresh herself, but she heard a few maids chattering over there.

She heard that everyone was awake, and then ran to Dongyuan non-stop.

Feng Qingcheng rolled her eyes at her speechlessly, clearly not believing her words, "Where did you get the news from hearsay? It was Mr. Rong Jin Rong who came to the mansion to talk to him last night, okay?"

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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