The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 221 Dabai!understand!where are you?

Chapter 221 Dabai!understand!where are you?

Biyue and Xiuhua went to the kitchen to bring four freshly killed live poultry to the entrance of Dongyuan, and they went directly to Cuiluoxuan after meeting.

With Cang Yanli's token in hand, they walked in through the gate unimpeded.

Feng Qingcheng looked at the chickens and ducks they carried in their hands, and vaccinated them in advance, "You will see a terrifying giant later, you have to be mentally prepared."

Hearing this, Bi Yue couldn't help asking curiously, "Miss, you have to tell us how scary it is first."

Feng Qingcheng remembered how she felt every time she saw that python, and replied truthfully, "It's very scary, anyway, just be careful."

At this time, Cangli raised his face and said to Biyue, "Auntie Biyue, Dabai is very cute, don't listen to your mother's nonsense, Ah Li likes to play with Dabai very much."

After hearing Feng Qingcheng's words, Biyue was still a little uncertain at first, but seeing Xiao Shizi calling Dabai so affectionately, she was completely relieved, "Then I will also play with Dabai later."

"Well, you're sure to like it!"

Feng Qingcheng shook her head helplessly, but did not make a sound.

The girl Biyue promised so readily now, she will cry later.

Seeing Xiuhua walking silently at the end, she also slowed down, "By the way, Xiuhua, do you have any favorite animals?"

Shameful Flower looked sideways at her, and thought about it seriously, "I don't have any favorite animals."

"Then do you have any small animals that you are particularly afraid of?"

Chahua thought about it seriously for a while, "I don't have any animals that I'm particularly afraid of."

Feng Qingcheng, "..."

In the past, she always didn't believe that someone could chat to death, but now after chatting with Xiuhua, she didn't want to talk at all.

This girl has been depressed every day since she came to the palace, she seems to be very focused on everything, and it seems that nothing can arouse her interest.

Feng Qingcheng really wanted to help her get out of the shadow Feng Zhi left her, but it seemed to have little effect.

Forget it, it is said that time is the best medicine to heal wounds, maybe one day she will heal herself and become one with everyone.

After walking out of the bamboo grove, Feng Qingcheng glanced at the open space in front of the bamboo house, and frowned worriedly when he didn't see the python.

When she left it yesterday, she specifically told it not to run around, and now it seems that the boa constrictor took her words as deaf ears.

Cang Li turned his bald head and looked left and right, but he couldn't find the python, so he bent his hands into the shape of a small trumpet, "Dabai! Dabai! Where are you?"

"Xiao Shizi, this servant will help you find Dabai together." Biyue put down the chicken and duck in her hand, and walked along the bamboo house towards the pond in front. After walking a few feet away, she suddenly turned around and asked, thinking of something, " Miss, what does Dabai look like?"

Before Feng Qingcheng could reply too much, the pool of the pond behind her suddenly broke through the air, and a giant python several feet long rushed out of the water, and the pond that was originally not that big was actually stirred up by it several meters high waves.

Biyue's position was still some distance away from the pond, but her back was splashed by the waves, and she instinctively turned her head to look behind her.

"Bi Yue, don't look!"

Feng Qingcheng wanted to stop her, but unfortunately it was still a step too late.

The red python stood in front of her like a hill. On the huge triangular head, the pair of vertical pupils that were bigger than copper bells flowed with green light, which was terrifying.

Seeing a stranger, Dabai spat out a bloody letter at her, "Hiss!"


Biyue's face turned pale with fright on the spot, she screamed, rolled her eyes, and fell back straight.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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