The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 232 I smacked my mouth hard!

Chapter 232 I slapped my mouth hard!
After Cang Yanlei had bandaged the wound again, the three of them got into the carriage and drove towards the palace.

The imperial palace is located in the easternmost part of the capital, and it is magnificent and magnificent.

Feng Qingcheng took a nap in the carriage for nearly an hour, and when Cang Yanlei said that she had arrived at the gate of the palace, she quickly lifted the curtain and took a look outside.

The high palace walls and the strict guards are everywhere solemn and solemn, which is amazing.

After entering, they walked forward for a while before they got out of the carriage and walked. When they arrived at the side hall, they saw the emperor sitting on the main seat. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe. Although he was over 50 years old, his face You can still see the beauty of your youth.

Even though he sat there without saying anything, there was a majestic sense of oppression all over his body.

This is the monarch of Yuncang Kingdom, the emperor who can determine life and death with a single word.

There were a few people sitting next to him. From their clothes, it could be seen that they were the empress dowager, the empress and several concubines, and there were several princes and princesses sitting below.

After the three of Feng Qingcheng entered the hall, they immediately saluted them.

"See the emperor, the queen mother, the empress."

"Royal Father, Grandmother, Queen Mother."

Cang Aotian waved his hands to them, with a faint smile on his face, "Get flat."

"This is Ah Li, right? You've grown up so much, come here and show the Ai family!" The queen mother was not the emperor's biological mother, but was once the emperor's most favored concubine, and she was adopted by the emperor later.

In fact, she was not a few years older than the emperor, and even because of proper maintenance, she looked younger than the emperor who worked day and night on state affairs.

Older people don't have much resistance to children, especially A Li, who looks pink and cute, which is very attractive.

At this time, seeing the Queen Mother waving towards him with the golden armored hand, Cang Li couldn't help shrinking behind Feng Qingcheng, "Mother."

Feng Qingcheng patted his little head reassuringly, and coaxed him with good temper and patience, "A Li, the Queen Mother is your grandma, and she also likes A Li very much, go and call someone."

After listening to her words, Cangli nodded obediently, "Okay."

The little guy walked over and yelled crisply, "Grandma!"

"So nice."

The empress dowager's hand caressed his face, and the empress next to him also took Ah Li's little hand, and her eyes turned red when she thought of her eldest prince who died in battle, "If Dan'er has knowledge under the spring, he should die in peace."

Cangli didn't quite understand what they said, and looked at the queen half-understanding, "Grandmother, why are you crying?"

Cang Yanli didn't want her to say anything that would affect the child's emotions, so he frowned and called her, "Mother's Queen."

The queen understood his eyes, raised her sleeves and wiped the corners of her eyes, "I am so happy to see Ah Li."

Seeing that they were all here, Cang Aotian ordered the maid next to him, "Everyone is here, pass on the meal."


After Feng Qingcheng sat down with Cang Li, she concentrated on eating, and had to admit that the dishes made by the imperial chef were really delicious.

"A Li, this honey-milk pigeon tastes really good, you really don't want to try it?"

Feng Qingcheng looked at the little guy eating vegetables, tofu and carrots, and was really worried that he would have unbalanced nutrition, so she kept trying to persuade him.Seeing that he was unmoved, she exaggeratedly took a bite of the meat, "This pigeon meat is fragrant and crispy, delicious!"

In order to enhance her persuasion, she bit her mouth hard while chewing.

Originally, other people in the hall were talking, but when they heard such an abrupt sound, everyone looked sideways, and turned their gazes to Feng Qingcheng's side in unison.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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