Chapter 235 Rob?How can that be?

Cang Yanxue became anxious, gritted her teeth in frustration, and said in a low voice to Su Ziyin beside her, "Look at my fourth brother, he protects that charming Feng Qingcheng like an eyeball! What's so good about that Feng Qingcheng? Kong has a face, in my eyes she is not even a ten-thousandth of yours! How can she be worthy of my fourth brother?"

Su Ziyin took a look at Cang Yanlei from afar, with a sad and helpless expression on her face, but the unwillingness and resentment in her eyes revealed her thoughts, "The Fourth Highness naturally likes her to marry her."

"Bullshit!" Cang Yanxue blushed indecently, with a contemptuous tone, "Who doesn't know that Feng Qingcheng licked her face and begged the queen mother for their marriage? It's disgusting! Ziyin, anyway, my fourth brother can do it these days Living in the palace, why don't you take the opportunity to snatch him over?"

"Snatch? How can that be?" Su Ziyin hurriedly waved his hands, "Although I love the Fourth Highness, I don't bother to use those dirty tricks!"

"Non-toxic and not a husband! You, if Feng Qingcheng was as thick-skinned as Feng Qingcheng, she would have been my fourth brother's concubine! Feng Qingcheng wants to be self-cultivated and uncultivated, and she wants to have no temperament. What good is she? In my eyes, You are a hundred times prettier than her!"

When Su Ziyin heard her belittle Feng Qingcheng, an embarrassing smile flashed across his face.

Feng Qingcheng is the number one beauty in the capital, comparing her appearance with her is simply asking for humiliation!

When they were whispering, Cang Aotian and Cang Yanwei were silently looking at each other, and the atmosphere between the two was quite dignified.

Cang Yanlei knew that he had a knot in his heart, so he sighed and said earnestly, "Fourth brother, now that the Nanyue Kingdom is taking the initiative to show its favor, it is a blessing for the people on the frontier. If there is a constant war, it will be the people who will suffer."

Feng Qingcheng, even an outsider, could feel that Cang Yanli's mood was wrong. She still remembered that the vicious battle three years ago was fought against Nanyue Kingdom.

Therefore, from this man's point of view, the Nanyue Kingdom is the enemy who took the life of his eldest brother, and the enemy who took the life of Ah Li's biological father!
Let his princess heal the eyes of the enemy, how could Cang Yanli agree?

His jawline was tense, and his voice was cold, "Then beat him until he surrenders!"

Three years ago, the two countries were seriously injured in the war, and Cang Yanli was suddenly struck by a Gu, so Yun Cang and Nanyue have maintained a truce for the past three years.

Now that the emperor's birthday is approaching, the Nanyue Kingdom sent the prince to congratulate him, which shows his sincerity in seeking peace.

"Nonsense!" Cang Aotian scolded coldly, looking at him with disappointment in his eyes, "I originally wanted to announce you as the crown prince on the day of my birthday. How can I entrust this country to you with confidence?"

Hearing this, several princes present could not help tightening their hands holding the chopsticks, but they didn't show the slightest bit on their faces.

"Father, A Li..." However, before Cang Yanli finished speaking, Feng Qingcheng grabbed his hand and interrupted him directly, "Your Majesty, A Li and I both agree that you understand righteousness After half a month, I will try my best. However, please give the crown prince of Nanyue Kingdom a vaccination in advance, the success rate of witchcraft is not [-]%, I hope he will not pin all his hopes on me and avoid medical treatment.”

"It's still Qingcheng girl who is sensible." Cang Aotian's expression eased a little, and he nodded slowly, "Don't worry about this, I won't talk too much to them."

Feng Qingcheng knew that there was a reason for Cang Yanli's hatred of Nanyue Kingdom. Those who have never experienced it would probably never be able to understand the pain and despair of watching their relatives die in front of them.

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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