The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 240 How bad it is to spoil a child!

Chapter 240 How bad it is to spoil a child!
When Cang Aotian heard these words, how could he listen to dinner, he slapped the table heavily with his big hands, and the whole table trembled, "Bastard! Concubine Jing has always been virtuous and virtuous, how can you slander me?"

One sentence is enough to show Concubine Jing's status in the emperor's mind and the emperor's trust in her.

"Not only the old slave, but several pairs of eyes have seen it. If there is no real evidence, even if the old slave has ten courages, he would not dare to wrong the concubine Jing. Please investigate clearly!"

Seeing that the emperor seems to be more inclined to trust Concubine Jing, Cang Yanxue chimed in unconvinced, "Imperial Father, how dare Nanny Li lie in lies after she has been in the palace for so many years? If you don't believe me, why don't we go to the harem to find out what happened!"

When she said this, she deliberately glanced at Feng Qingcheng, her eyes were full of provocation.

Feng Qingcheng was puzzled, but vaguely thought of something, she leaned into the man's ear, and asked him in a low voice, "Who is Concubine Su? Who is Concubine Jing?"

Cang Yanlei raised his eyebrows, "You want to know?"

"Well, tell me quickly."

Unexpectedly, Cang Yanwei pointed at his face with his backhand, and said with a smile, "Wangfei kisses my hall, and this hall will tell you."

"Don't talk about pulling it down, I'll go over with the emperor and the others to see it."

Seeing that she was about to get up, Cang Yanlu held her back and whispered in her ear, "Concubine Jing is the concubine whom my father loves very much now, a branch of the Feng family, so she is also your elder. Concubine Su is the empress Su's biological sister is also Su Ziyin's biological aunt."

When Feng Qingcheng heard the last sentence, she hummed sourly, "You know Miss Su's family tree quite well!"

There was a faint smile on Cang Yan and Jun Jun's face, "Princess, this palace knows the genealogy of the Feng family better."

"Tch!" His pitch-black eyes stared at her firmly, Feng Qingcheng's ears warmed up, she snorted lightly, turned her gaze away, and muttered in a low voice, "Who would believe this kind of nonsense? I really thought I was a teenager. The girl is so easy to deceive!"

"Huh?" Cang Yanli suddenly leaned over and approached her eyes.

Feng Qingcheng looked at this handsome face that suddenly magnified several times, her expression froze, "What's wrong?"

He raised his thin lips lightly, and his eyes fell on her beautiful face, "Princess, aren't you a teenage girl?"

Feng Qingcheng snorted softly, "Slick tongue."

"Huh?" The man leaned closer as if he had discovered a new continent, "Princess, why is your face so red?"

"Yes?" Feng Qingcheng covered her face with both hands, her eyes flicked to the side but did not meet his gaze, "Maybe it was a little hot after eating."

"Then just go with them to the harem to get some fresh air. Do you think Concubine Jing will do such insane things in front of so many palace people, or will she be wronged?"

Obviously, she has never seen Concubine Jing, but after hearing Cang Yanlei's words, Feng Qingcheng suddenly felt that Concubine Jing was designed by someone.

"Mother, father, wait for me!"

Before she could reply, there was a crisp baby voice behind her.

Feng Qingcheng turned her head to look at the little bald head who was chasing after him, and said with a smile, "A Li, you and your sixth uncle can go to the Imperial Garden to play, mother will come to you later."

She didn't want to take the children to see the struggle of the women in the harem, it would be bad if the children were spoiled.

Unexpectedly, Cang Yanli beckoned to his son, "Ah Li is going too, it's not necessarily a bad thing to learn about women's struggles in advance."

Feng Qingcheng thought about it, that's right, since Cangli is in the emperor's house, maybe he will encounter and hear more terrible things than this in the future.

Education, must start from the baby.

When the group entered the harem, they saw a woman lying on the ground from a distance. The ground under her was red, and the lake green gauze dress she was wearing was completely dyed. It really looked shocking!

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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