The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 245 How dare you let this little bastard scare me?

Chapter 245 How dare you let this little bastard scare me?
The child in red stopped less than five steps away from the bed, tilted his head, and frowned suspiciously, "Huh? Aren't you the empress who gave birth today?"

"I didn't have a miscarriage! The pregnancy was a fake! The imperial doctor misdiagnosed me at the time. In order to frame Concubine Jing, I bribed a few court ladies to act in a show! I'm not the mother you're looking for. Go away! Go away!"

The little guy seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then confirmed again, "Aren't you really my mother?"

"It's absolutely true!" Concubine Su Gui was so frightened that she almost lost her wits, how dare she tell lies?

The child in red frowned, his soft and cute voice was filled with horror in Concubine Su Gui's ears, "But, you lost a lot of blood today, that blood must be me!"

"No, no, no! That's chicken blood! I asked the maid to steal it from the imperial kitchen!"

After hearing what she said, the little guy curled his lips, turned his head and asked behind him, in a tone that was completely begging for praise, "Mother, A Li has finished asking all the questions, what do you want to do now?"

"A Li is awesome." Following the clear and pleasant female voice, a slender figure appeared at the door.

Concubine Su Gui was startled, and when she saw that it was Feng Qingcheng who came, her expression changed, and then she screamed, "It's you! Feng Qingcheng, how dare you let this little bastard scare me?"

Feng Qingcheng snorted coldly, walked to the bed without saying a word, raised her hand and slapped her across the face.

She didn't spare any strength in this slap, Concubine Su Gui's face was directly turned to one side, and a five-fingerprint suddenly appeared on her fair face.

Concubine Su's status in the harem is not low. Over the years, she has been flattered and flattered by others, let alone slapped. Many concubines dare not even breathe in front of her.

At this time, she was stunned by the beating, and she was stunned for several seconds before she came back to her senses, and she was furious immediately, "Feng Qingcheng, you dare to hit me? I am the emperor's woman, and you actually committed the crime?"

'Snapped! '

The expression between Feng Qingcheng's eyebrows and eyes did not move, and he slapped again with his backhand, the sound was so loud that the echo could almost be heard in the hall.

"What's the matter with beating you?" She sneered, "You scolded my son in front of me, I didn't knock you down, I already gave face to the emperor."

"Good, Feng Qingcheng! Just wait, I will tell the emperor what happened tonight, and let him punish you! No, not only you, but the entire Feng family will pay the price for your two slaps! "

"Concubine Su, what do you want to tell me? Do you want to tell me how to pretend to be an imperial physician and pretend to be pregnant, or tell me how to bribe a court lady to frame Concubine Jing?"

When Concubine Su Gui saw a figure dressed in bright yellow appearing at the door, she suddenly seemed to be strangled by an invisible big hand, feeling as if she was struggling to breathe.

Concubine Su Gui's body softened, and she rolled down from the bed, "Your Majesty, listen to my concubine's explanation... I was threatened by Feng Qingcheng just now... Those are not true... Please be sure to Believe in the concubine..."

As she said that, she crawled towards him with hands and feet together, "Your Majesty, please investigate clearly... Please make sure to investigate clearly... The concubine was wronged..."

However, before her hand touched Cang Aotian's dragon robe, he kicked her away. He didn't even look at her again, and said coldly, "Come on, Concubine Su has no illusions." , murdered the imperial concubine, passed on my word of mouth, and put her in limbo from now on!"

Concubine Su looked at the two guards who walked in from the door and hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, "Your Majesty! This concubine is just fascinated by ghosts for a while, please spare this concubine this time! Your Majesty, please be merciful!"

Cang Aotian didn't bother to look at her any more, and waved his hand, "Take her away!"


 Five more, reward and add more!Thank you little fairies for your votes and comments, I love you!
(End of this chapter)

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