The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 256 Is the certain people in the mouth of the princess referring to the main hall?

Chapter 256 Is the certain people in the mouth of the princess referring to the main hall?
"You don't care." Feng Qingcheng tried hard to withdraw her hand, but failed twice.

She puffed her cheeks angrily, "Let go, hurry up!"

Her expression made people feel itchy, the man narrowed his phoenix eyes, not only didn't let go, but clenched even tighter, "I will accompany you to see Ah Li."

Feng Qingcheng couldn't break free, so she simply ignored him and walked forward.

Seeing the man standing still, she tugged him hard, "Why are you standing there stupidly? Hurry up!"

"Okay." Cang Yanli hooked his thin lips, and let her pull him with his long legs.

When he went to the bedroom next to him, Cang Li was already fully dressed. When he saw the two of them, he ran out happily with short legs, "Mother! Father!"

Feng Qingcheng looked at the neatly dressed little monk's robe on his body, raised his eyebrows and smiled and said, "A Li, when we return home, mother will take you out to buy a lot of beautiful clothes, do you think it's okay?"

"Mother, Ah Li is a man, so he doesn't need beautiful clothes. Beautiful clothes are worn by girls." Cang Li blinked his big eyes, and said to her solemnly, "Mother, when Ah Li grows up, he will earn a lot of money." A lot of money to buy you beautiful clothes."

Feng Qingcheng's heart warmed, she glanced at the man next to her, and deliberately said in a strange way, "It's still our A Li who is sensible, unlike some people who can't even apologize!"

Cang Yanlei stared at her with deep eyes, and said in a calm tone, "Does the certain people mentioned by the princess refer to this hall?"

"It seems that some people still have a little self-knowledge!"

Cang Yanlei pursed his thin lips, and after a few seconds of silence, he said calmly, "For the accident that happened just now, my hall apologizes to you. So, is the princess satisfied?"

Feng Qingcheng pursed her lips and hummed, "Not sincere."

Cang Yanlai looked down at her, thought seriously for a moment, then turned to his son and said, "A Li, close your eyes."

Cang Li raised his small face, his big eyes flickered, and asked in a childish voice, "Father, why do you want Ah Li to close his eyes?"

Cangyan replied in a gentle voice, "Because mother wants to be sincere, and the sincerity that father wants to prepare is not suitable for children to see."

Although Cang Li half understood what he said, he still nodded obediently, and then covered his eyes with both hands, "Father, is this okay?"

Seeing that he suddenly asked her son to close his eyes, Feng Qingcheng had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Cang Yanlei, what do you want to do...uh..."

However, before she finished speaking, her lips were kissed by the man.

Without a taste of gentleness, Cang Yanli directly pried open her lips, and aggressively invaded her territory to attack the city and loot the pool.

Feng Qingcheng wanted to hide, but the man's big hand was pinching her waist, making her unable to move, so she could only bear it.

"Cang... um..."

She was angry and ashamed, afraid that Cang Li would see that she had spoiled the child.

But the little guy is very well-behaved, his two soft little hands cover his eyes tightly, and he won't peek if he says he won't peek.

But Cang Yanlei wanted to do this as early as the moment he saw her. He only felt that her waist was unbelievably soft, and her lips were also unbelievably soft.

The hand pinching her waist was getting tighter and tighter, and the kiss was getting deeper and deeper, wishing to swallow her alive.

Feng Qingcheng's breathing quickly became disordered, and her brain was gradually deprived of oxygen, making her unable to think.

Since there was no way to break free, she was heartbroken, opened her mouth to his mouth, and bit down hard.

She didn't let go until she tasted the smell of blood.

Unfortunately, instead of letting go of her, the man kissed her even deeper.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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