The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 267 Dabai is still waiting for us!

Chapter 267 Dabai is still waiting for us!
The blood flowed quickly, and the boa constrictor gradually couldn't support its heavy snake body, and it was a little shaky while dangling.

Feng Qingyin kept on doing nothing, her eyes sank, and she pushed heavily in the direction of the lightsaber with her right hand.

The lightsaber pierced the boa constrictor's body through the air. Dabai seemed unable to bear the sudden pain, opened his mouth wide and raised his head, screaming in pain, and then fell back into the pond as if he lost his strength.

The moment the snake fell down, the water surged, and Feng Qingyin stood by the pond and was drenched from head to toe by the splashed water, completely drenched.

There was not much expression on her cold face, she just watched the python sink into the bottom of the lake coldly, letting the water drip from her face.

Standing on the shore and waiting for a long time, seeing that there was no movement in the pond, she closed her eyes, and a tear rolled down from the corner of her eyes.

Feng Qingyin's lips trembled slightly, and she opened and closed for a long time before making a hoarse voice, "Dabai, remember, it was not me who killed you, but Feng Qingcheng! She is the real murderer! But don't worry, I I won't let you die in vain, I will definitely avenge you! Let Feng Qingcheng be buried with you!"

In her previous life, Feng Qingcheng robbed her parents' love, her friends, and the man she liked. Now that she is reborn, she wants to rob her of Dabai. It's simply insane!

Now that Dabai is dead, this grudge must be placed on her head!
Feng Qingyin stared unblinkingly at the surface of the pool for a long time, until the surface of the pool was so calm that no ripples could be seen, then she turned around and left slowly with bumpy steps.

Her back was straight, her walking posture was limping, and there was a strong loneliness in the indifference and coldness.

Feng Qingyin didn't walk fast, but as if in the blink of an eye, her figure disappeared into the bamboo forest and was never seen again.

After she left, the water surface of the pond suddenly moved, causing circles of water to ripple.

The pale moonlight fell, and there was a red light flashing on the grassland by the bank where Feng Qingyin had just stood.


More than half an hour ago, the imperial palace, a certain bedroom.

"Big White!"

Cang Li suddenly sat up from the bed, and after a few seconds of being stunned, suddenly cried 'Wow'.

Feng Qingcheng next to him heard the movement, immediately opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, "Ah Li, what's wrong?"

"Mother..." Cangli's big clear eyes contained tears, and he gasped from crying, "Dabai...Dabai..."

Feng Qingcheng raised her hand and gently wiped away the tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, "What's wrong with Dabai?"

Cang Li twitched, looking at her with red eyes, "Dabai...Dabai has shed a lot of blood...Is it going to die..."

Feng Qingcheng was startled, then realized that he was having a nightmare, reached out and touched his little bald head, and said softly, "You just had a nightmare, how could Dabai die? It's still staying in the mansion, don't you forget?" Yet?"

"Mother, Dabai is really bleeding!" Cang Li raised his hand to wipe away his tears, and worriedly frowned, "Shall we go back and have a look at it?"

Feng Qingcheng nodded, "Okay, we will return home tomorrow."

The little guy shook his head vigorously, his immature voice was full of determination, "Mother, don't wait for tomorrow, Ah Li wants to go back now!"

Feng Qingcheng coaxed patiently, "A Li, it's still dark now, why don't you sleep for a while and go back at dawn?"

"Don't, don't!" Cangli shook his head even more, with a teardrop hanging from the corner of his eye, "Mother, let's go back quickly, Dabai is still waiting for us! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

He said anxiously and jumped off the bed, holding her arm with two small hands to try to get her up.

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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