The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 277 Did You Kiss Her Indirectly?

Chapter 277 Did You Kiss Her Indirectly?

Cang Yanwei looked at the night in the distance, a look of reminiscence appeared on Jun's face, and his voice became a little ethereal, "Back then, there were spies leaking the secret, and our palace and the emperor's brother were besieged by the enemy army. At that time, Ah Li was born not long ago. After a whole night, three days later, the capital received the sad news that the emperor's brother died in battle and the whereabouts of this highness is unknown."

At this time, the man recalled the past in a calm tone, but Feng Qingcheng could guess how thrilling they were when they fought bloody battles.

Feng Qingcheng raised her eyes slightly, and the faint moonlight shone on her body, carrying an air of arrogance and indifference, "In this way, Ah Li will not be able to be an emperor even more."

Cang Yanlei twitched his eyes, "Why?"

Feng Qingcheng frowned slightly, with a dignified expression on his face, "I don't think it's a good thing to know foretelling, sometimes it's a blessing to be a little confused."

Cang Li blinked his big eyes, looked at Cang Yanli, and then at Feng Qingcheng, with a slightly confused expression on his little face, "Mother, what are you talking about? Why can't Ah Li understand?"

Feng Qingcheng felt that children shouldn't bear these things too early, so she didn't tell him her plan, but changed the subject and said, "A Li, Dabai needs to rest to recover his strength, so let's go to bed too."

"Mother, shall we sleep here tonight?" Cang Li pointed to the bamboo house behind them, and said worriedly, "In case Dabai wakes up, we can come out to see him at any time."

Cang Yanli didn't object, but nodded lightly and said, "Then stay here."

Seeing that she was still hugging her and not letting go, Feng Qingcheng couldn't help but said, "Can you let me down now?"

Cang Yanli moved his lips and before he could speak, suddenly there was a sound of stomach growling in his ears.


When she felt that the gazes of two men, one big and one small, were all on her, Feng Qingcheng really wanted to die.

Cang Li looked up at her with a small face, "Mother, is your stomach screaming?"

Feng Qingcheng twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, her cheeks heated up uncontrollably, "It seems... yes."

"Father, mother is hungry, shall we go to the kitchen and find something to eat?"

Cang Yanlei called in the direction of the bamboo forest, "Cang Ying."


A black shadow flashed past, and stopped beside the arch bridge in the blink of an eye.

"Go to the kitchen to see what else to eat, and ask someone to make two servings."


Cang Ying?

When Feng Qingcheng heard this name, she couldn't help thinking of some kind of flying insect, and her temples twitched involuntarily.

But this Cang Ying was not a fly, he was very fast, and after about ten minutes, he brought two hot wontons to the bamboo house.

Feng Qingcheng was so hungry that she picked up a wonton and took a big bite, "It's so hot, so hot!"

She put the half-filled wontons back on the plate, fanned her mouth with her hands, and waited for the wontons in her mouth to cool before swallowing them.

"A Li, eat slowly, these wontons are very hot."

"Okay, mother, eat slowly, too."

"How do the wontons taste?"

"pretty good."

"Really? I will try it too." Cang Yanwei picked up the chopsticks she had put down, picked up the half-bitten wonton and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly.

Feng Qingcheng was stunned, staring at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, hesitating to speak.

Cang Yanlei felt her gaze, raised the end of his eyes, "What's wrong?"

"The wonton you ate...I bitten it."

"It's okay." The man said, swallowing the wonton in his mouth.

Feng Qingcheng, "..." He ate what she ate, did he kiss her indirectly?

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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