Chapter 291 It's all over if you die!
"You dare to spoil my good deed?" Feng Qingyin showed a fierce look, wishing to swallow the woman alive on the ground, "Do you want to die?"

Zhao Wan'er was stared at by her, and her body trembled involuntarily, but a look of death gradually appeared in her eyes, and even her voice was surprisingly calm, "Are you going to kill me?"

Feng Qingyin stepped on her face fiercely, her hoarse voice was full of ferocious anger, "Death? It's too cheap for you! I want your life to be worse than death!"

While speaking, she did not know where to pinch a black centipede as thick as a person's little finger.

The centipede's thin tentacles are swinging back and forth, twisting its body like it can't wait to eat its prey.

And Feng Qingyin's eyes were as cold and terrifying as if quenched with poison, "I want to let you taste the despair and pain of being bitten by centipedes, making you want to die, to live but not to live!"

Zhao Wan'er looked at the stout centipede, her pupils constricted violently, her face was chapped, and finally turned into extreme fear.

Her eyes were covered with mist, and she shook her head desperately, "No...don't..."

Feng Qingyin pulled the corners of her mouth coldly, the smile on her face was distorted and sinister, "This is the price you pay for fighting against me!"

As she spoke, she bent down and put the centipede on Zhao Wan'er's face. The centipede moved quickly and soon crawled to Zhao Wan'er's ear.


Zhao Wan'er's tears welled up in her eyes, but unfortunately she was seriously injured, and she didn't even have the strength to struggle.

She could clearly feel the centipede's slender claws grabbing her skin, and crawling into her ear canals little by little.

Zhao Wan'er's brain exploded with a bang, she even forgot to breathe, trembling uncontrollably, the unprecedented despair instantly drowned her like a tide.

However, in the next second, the intense pain suddenly hit her, causing her to scream uncontrollably, "Ah——!!!"

Even when facing that giant python, Zhao Wan'er was never so frightened.

At this moment, the blood on her face faded, and every bone in her body was twitching in pain.

It was as if there were countless sharp silver needles piercing her skull non-stop, and even the skull was so painful that it was about to split open.

If she had a choice, Zhao Wan'er would rather Feng Qingyin give her a good time, and death would be a one-and-done one.

Even, she began to regret, regretting the impulsive behavior of saving Feng Qingcheng just now.

She obviously hates Feng Qingcheng so much, but now she is really stupid to risk her own life for the sake of her enemy!

This was her last consciousness, the pain was extreme, she closed her eyes weakly, and let herself fall into the boundless darkness.


Feng Qingcheng staggered and ran out of the backyard. The moment she stepped out, she suddenly hesitated.

Especially when a shrill scream came from her ears, she stopped and turned her head suddenly to look in the direction of Feng Qingyin's boudoir.

Although she didn't like Zhao Wan'er, it was a fact that Zhao Wan'er saved her just now. Was it too heartless for her to leave like this?
With Feng Qingyin's behavior, I'm afraid Zhao Wan'er won't be spared lightly!
However, Feng Qingcheng also knew that now that she was injured, she was no match for Feng Qingyin.

The only way right now is to inform Feng Yuan and expose Feng Qingyin's true face in front of everyone.

Thinking of this, she quickened her pace, but she was walking too hastily, she tripped accidentally, and her whole body suddenly fell forward.

She really wanted to stabilize her body, but she had no strength in her hands and feet, and she was about to fall. At this moment, a powerful arm grabbed her and pulled her directly into a warm and firm embrace.

 Two more~
(End of this chapter)

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