The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 297 Jealous to Transformation!

Chapter 297 Jealous to Transformation!
Cang Yanlei refused to accept her tricks, curled his lips and sneered slightly, "How do you take back the water that was spilled when you said it?"

Feng Qingyin was teased again and again by him, and finally managed to suppress the anger in her heart, and asked weakly with red eyes, "Then what does Fourth Highness want me to do?"

"This hall doesn't require you to do anything, but I just want to remind you." Cang Yanli paused for a while before continuing, "It's not that whoever is pitiful is justified, and it's not that whoever has more tears is justified. rational."

These words are so poisonous that even Feng Qingcheng can't stand listening to them, and looking at Feng Qingyin's entire face is too dark to see.

God knows how humiliating and ugly she felt when she heard a man say these words!
At the same time, the hatred for Feng Qingcheng from the bottom of her heart has grown to a higher level, she is so jealous that she is out of shape!

That feeling was like being stripped naked in front of everyone's eyes. She seemed to be a clown, showing everyone a joke!
"Enough!" Feng Yuan looked at Feng Qingyin's expression of wanting to find a crack in the ground, with a condensed expression, and said in a deep voice to help her find the steps, "Qingyin has never had any dealings with anyone since she was a child, so she will inevitably be thoughtful when she speaks." If you can't reach the place, you two should take more care, after all, we are a family."

In fact, he did have doubts about Feng Qingyin's words and actions at this time, but he knew better than anyone else that if Feng Qingyin was completely irritated, he really wanted to take revenge on Feng Qingcheng, and no one would be able to stop her.

Therefore, his intentional protection of Feng Qingyin in his words is actually an indirect protection of Feng Qingcheng.

And Feng Yuan hoped that Feng Qingyin was innocent from the bottom of his heart, and he was more willing to believe that this daughter had not been in contact with anyone for too long and was not very good at speaking to cause such a misunderstanding.

Although Cang Yanli knew nothing about the fate of their sisters, he could clearly feel that there was something strange about Feng Qingcheng's body.

Anyway, Feng Qingyin had already been verbally attacked to the point where she was battered and her head was smashed, so there was no need to kill them all in front of Feng Yuan.

The man raised his lips slightly, and accepted it when he saw it, "Father-in-law, Qingcheng is not feeling well, let's take our leave first."

Feng Yuan originally wanted to keep them for dinner, but thinking about the current situation, he was afraid that they would not be able to eat safely, so he nodded and said, "Your body is important, you go back and have a good rest."

When the two of them left, the room suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Feng Qingyin was still standing there with her back stiff. The wound on her forehead was still bleeding, but she didn't seem to feel the pain at all, or she was numb from the pain. She just stood there motionless, and her eyes seemed to be lost. focal length.

But hot liquid flowed out from the corner of her eyes, and it couldn't be stopped like a bank bursting.

Looking at the tearful daughter, Feng Yuan finally couldn't bear it.

The palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, no matter what Feng Qingyin is, she is still his daughter, not to mention that she is also responsible for the crimes she has suffered over the years.

Just when he was hesitating about how to speak, Feng Qingyin opened and closed her lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm not feeling well, I want to sleep for a while, so please ask Daddy to leave."

Seeing that the wound on her forehead was still bleeding, Feng Yuan slowed down and said, "The doctor will be here soon, wait for him to treat your wound..."

"No need." There was no wave in Feng Qingyin's voice, only endless indifference, indifference to others, and even more indifference to herself, "This can't hurt anyone."

After finishing speaking, she stopped looking at Feng Yuan, turned around and limped towards the inner room.

Looking at her bumpy back, Feng Yuan opened his lips, but he didn't say anything after all...

 Fourth watch, thank you, little fairy [Gentleness is only for the person you like. ]'s reward, meme!

(End of this chapter)

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