The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 308 What kind of sincerity does the princess want?

Chapter 308 What kind of sincerity does the princess want?
At this time, Cang Yanlei was like a wild beast ready to go. She was very panicked, a little bit worried and afraid, and always felt that this man might swallow her into his belly at any time.

Cang Yanli's hand was pressed against her skin, the scorching heat made her heart beat more violently, and her pretty face was like a ripe tomato.

Cang Yanlei noticed her nervousness and palpitations, paused, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Don't you like it?"

Feng Qingcheng didn't dare to look at him, bit her lips, and panted softly, "I, I haven't prepared myself mentally yet, can I change another day?"

"This hall thought you were ready when you married into the palace." Cang Yanlai pinched her chin with his slender fingers, making her look at him, "Princess, this hall still owes you a wedding candle."

Feng Qingcheng opened her eyes wide, and stumbled, "I'm not in a hurry to use it, why don't you owe it first?"

Cang Yanlei liked to see her nervous and embarrassed expression very much, so he lowered his head and kissed her lips twice, and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't like to owe women, what should I do?"

"But I...I..." Feng Qingcheng couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart, but she didn't want to sleep with him so vaguely, "It's the first time for me, I'm afraid of pain."

Cang Yanlei narrowed his drunken phoenix eyes slowly, stared at her for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "Don't worry, I have read a lot of books recently, so it shouldn't hurt you."

Feng Qingcheng was stunned for half a second, unexpectedly she understood the deep meaning in his words, "Didn't you read countless girls? Do you still need to read that kind of book?"

He hooked his thin lips, and said in a warm voice, "It's the first time for this hall and the princess, so naturally we have to make preparations in advance."

Feng Qingcheng, "..."

That's right, he had emphasized to her more than once that although there were many women who married into the palace these years, most of them were forced by the empress dowager to make him happy.

And let alone touching those women, he couldn't even remember their names and looks.

Cang Yanlu was silent for a moment, then said again, "Wangfei doesn't make a sound, this hall will take it as your consent."

Seeing that he was about to kiss him again, Feng Qingcheng quickly stretched out her hand to cover her face, "Who agreed? You must have a sense of ritual to do this kind of thing, how can you be so casual?"

"Sense of ritual?" Cang Yanlu repeated these three words in a low voice, raising the end of his eyes, "What kind of ceremony does the princess want? This hall can send someone to arrange it immediately."

"The other people's arrangements seem so insincere!" Feng Qingcheng didn't know what she was awkward about, but she always felt that he was so drunk and wanted to do something with her, and there seemed to be something missing.

Cang Yanlei smiled slightly, "What kind of sincerity does the princess want?"

Feng Qingcheng curled her lips, "It's so boring for me to say it, you think for yourself, when your sincerity is in place, let's go to the bridal chamber."

In fact, Cang Yanli also knew that what she said was just delaying time, but even if he thought about it again, he was unwilling to force her.

He pondered for a moment, then slowly withdrew his arm around her waist, "Okay."

Feng Qingcheng did not expect that he would agree so simply. Normally in such a situation, if he was really tough, she would probably give in half-heartedly when faced with such a manly sex.

Seeing that she respected her ideas so much, she was still a little moved in her heart.

Just when she was distracted, Cang Yanlei looked past her and saw the koi in the bathtub. Seeing the koi wagging its tail and swimming around freely, his vision gradually became ethereal.

It was really cured.

If Feng Qingcheng had been present in that battle back then, wouldn't his imperial brother not have died?
Don't think about it anymore, let the past go.

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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