The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 319 I Said You Are Disgusting

Chapter 319 I Said You Are Disgusting
However, within three seconds of laughing, he frowned and let out a muffled snort.

It was a coincidence that Feng Qingcheng bit the man's Adam's apple, and her lips brushed against his skin.

The warm, waxy and wet touch was like an electric current penetrating through his skin, directly hitting the bottom of his heart, instantly igniting the evil fire that he had restrained.

Just when Feng Qingcheng finished her revenge and was about to lie back on the bed again, the man clasped the back of her head with his big hands and kissed her directly.

Feng Qingcheng was too drunk, suddenly he blocked his mouth, and impatiently stretched out his hand to push him away.

However, how could a man let her break free easily?

The big empty hands pinched her slender waist, stretched hard, and pulled most of her body into his arms.

After Feng Qingcheng struggled for a while, her body became extremely weak, and the hand on his chest was weak, and it seemed like she wanted to refuse and welcome.

Cang Yanlai kissed her deeper and deeper, as if he wanted to swallow her into his belly before giving up.

The sound of the two people's chaotic and rapid breathing was heard next to their ears, and Feng Qingcheng's self-consciousness became more and more confused, as if she was in a huge whirlpool, sinking a little bit, unable to extricate herself.

Originally, Cang Yanlu just wanted to punish her, but after kissing her, he couldn't stop at all.

The scent of wine remained between her lips and teeth, mixed with the scent of a girl, which penetrated him every step of the way.

I don't know how long the kiss lasted, the man let go of her, and repeated the question just now in a leisurely manner, "Say, who is this hall?"

Feng Qingcheng's cheeks were flushed red, like a fish stranded on the beach, panting heavily, not intending to answer his question at all.

The man's eyes darkened again, and he lifted her chin to force her to look at him, "Feng Qingcheng, I am asking you something, do you hear me clearly?"

She frowned and muttered impatiently, "Hate..."

Because her words were not very clear when she spoke, Cang Yanwei couldn't hear clearly for a moment, raised the end of her eyes, and asked, "What did you say?"

Feng Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief, her mind seemed to be much clearer than before, her eyes moved, her eyes swept over the man's handsome face, as if deliberately provocative, she spit out each word from her red lips, "I said You are disgusting! You deserve a beating!"

Cang Yanlei chuckled softly and said softly, "This hall thinks you are lovable, so I owe you a kiss."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and sealed her lips again.


Feng Qingcheng's next words to scold him were all blocked back, and it was very difficult to even pronounce a single syllable.

Immediately afterwards, the thin and dense kisses were branded on her neck, moving down and finally lingering on her delicate collarbone.

The man pressed against her, the strength was not too heavy, but it was enough to make her unable to move.

Feng Qingcheng had no defense ability at all, lost every inch of his territory, and passively let him do whatever he wanted.

"Feng Qingcheng, tell me, who is kissing you now?" Cang Yanlu swallowed her round earballs, his deep and magnetic voice revealed endless temptation.

His rough fingertips rubbed her chin, and the delicate touch made him unable to put it down.

Feng Qingcheng was so tense and trembling by his kiss, she dodged instinctively, and scolded him unsteadily, " are a bad guy..."

"You know what bad guys do, huh?" Cang Yanli's voice was low and hoarse, and he raised his hand to scratch her nose, "They only bully you."

Feng Qingcheng was confused, but vaguely knew that he was going to do something bad, so she instinctively resisted, "Don't..."

 Fifth watch, reward and update, thank you little fairy [Gentleness is only for the person you like. ]'s reward, meme!

(End of this chapter)

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