Chapter 331 A Complete Asshole
Feng Qingcheng was still wriggling on his shoulders and cursing, but the man turned a deaf ear to any of her actions, and only had one thought in his mind, which was to throw her on the bed as soon as possible!
Along the way, they encountered several waves of court ladies, and Feng Qingcheng felt that she had completely lost her face.

She no longer cared about her appearance, and screamed at him for beating him, "Cang Yanli, you are a bastard! You are a complete bastard!"

Cang Yanlu didn't stop her, and a cold and stern voice came from the front, obviously irritated by her behavior just now, "Feng Qingcheng, if you move around like this again, do you believe that this temple will punish you on the spot?"

Feng Qingcheng really didn't believe that he dared to do any beastly deeds in public, so he said confidently, "How dare you?"

"Feng Qingcheng, you'd better not provoke this hall." Cang Yanwei suppressed the anger in his heart, and his deep voice was somewhat dark, "There is nothing that this hall dare not do!"

Feng Qingcheng was so angry that she was angry, and she didn't dare to confront him head-on at this time. After all, she was carried by him, and she had no lethal power to him.

She endured this bad breath first, and she could always find a chance for revenge!
Cang Yanlei waited for a while, seeing that she had finally calmed down, he hooked his thin lips and kept walking.

It was not a short distance from the exit of the imperial garden to their temporary dormitory, but Cang Yanli carried her for such a long distance without even disturbing her breathing.

I have to admit that this man's physical strength is really amazing.

Feng Qingcheng was muttering to herself inwardly, when suddenly the world wobbled, and she had already been laid down on the big bed by the man.

She was startled, and immediately wanted to sit up, but just turned over, and suddenly a tall shadow enveloped her head.

It was Cang Yanlai who directly covered her body, put his hands on both sides of her body, and locked her tightly between his chest and the big bed.

Feng Qingcheng suddenly became a little white rabbit caught in a cage, and the moment she raised her eyes, she met the bottomless eyes of the big bad wolf.

The man's handsome facial features are close at hand, his deep eyes are narrowed until they are long and narrow, and his thin lips slightly raise a shallow arc, which makes him have a coquettish and evil charm for no reason.

Feng Qingcheng's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and she retreated instinctively.

But as soon as she retreated, he approached, bringing the distance between them even closer.

The exclusive good smell of this man instantly overwhelmed her senses, Feng Qingcheng saw the man leaning towards her lips, making a gesture of wanting to kiss her.

The anger in her eyes was soaring all of a sudden, as if two small flames were burning, "Cang Yanli, don't live...uh..."

Obviously, this man carried her to the dormitory in broad daylight, not to let her sleep back into the cage.

The moment Feng Qingcheng's mouth was blocked, his heart became even more angry, and he opened his mouth to bite him without saying a word.

But Cang Yanlu had already guessed her movements, and directly pinched her jaw with his big hands, forcing her to close her mouth with her absolute superiority in physical strength.

Then, he naturally probed into her territory.

Feng Qingcheng felt that he was an out-and-out aggressor at this time, and he did everything except burn and loot.

Naturally, she couldn't sit still and kick him at the most vulnerable place under his stomach.

Cang Yanli turned sideways slightly, and let her kick in the air. Before she could make any further movements, the man had already pinned down her two legs with his knees.

Unwilling to give up, Feng Qingcheng swung her fist again.

Cang Yanlu kissed her without pausing, and he didn't even move his eyes from her face. As soon as he raised his hand, he easily grabbed her wrist, and cut it on top of her head.

 Four shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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