The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 344 Shut up if you don't want to die

Chapter 344 Shut up if you don't want to die
Liu Siyuan had never had any hope for his injured leg. Now he watched the leg bone being spliced, and his excitement was beyond words.

He sat on the bed for a long while, until Feng Qingyin lost his patience in waiting, and then slowly sat up with his upper body propped up.

However, after all, he hadn't been on the ground for more than three years. When he moved his legs off the bed clumsily, before he could stand up straight, his legs gave way and fell directly to the ground.

Feng Qingyin looked at him, and rolled her eyes speechlessly, "You're already quite old, why don't you even walk the road?"

Liu Siyuan's face was a little hot after being criticized by her, and he didn't know whether he was excited or felt too embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I will try again!"

"You don't have to tell me you're sorry, the legs are yours, but I hope you can practice walking as soon as possible. Because from now on, you are my slave."

Liu Siyuan was stunned, looking into the depths of her eyes, with a sincere tone trembling, "Brother, thank you for your kindness of rebuilding, I will definitely keep my promise!"

"Okay, I'll give you seven days to adjust, and I'll come to Liu's house to look for you again after seven days."

"It doesn't take seven days, I can walk right away, you see..."

However, Liu Siyuan didn't stand still, his legs went limp again, and he threw himself in the direction of Feng Qingyin.

Feng Qingyin was about to leave, when she heard the movement, she looked sideways at him, but only saw a tall and thin figure rushing towards her.

All this happened so suddenly that Feng Qingyin was completely unprepared.

He rushed forward with too much force, and she couldn't stand still for a while, and she was directly thrown to the ground by him.

Due to inertia, Liu Siyuan lay all over her body, and by coincidence, his two hands touched places that shouldn't be touched.

When he felt the softness of his palms, he was startled for a moment, and suddenly, something came to his mind, his eyes widened, "You, you are..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Qingyin interrupted him viciously, "Shut up if you don't want to die!"

Her eyes were gloomy, and her rough voice contained anger, which made Liu Siyuan's heart tremble, and said quickly, "Don't worry, I will keep the secret for you!"

Feng Qingyin was about to say something more when hurried footsteps came from outside the door, "Yuan'er! Yuan'er! What's wrong with you?"

Before old man Liu arrived, his voice came in first.

Feng Qingyin's expression darkened again, "If you dare to tell what happened just now, I will kill you!"

Putting down the threatening words, she pushed him away and got up from the ground.

The moment old man Liu pushed open the door, he happened to see the scene where she was pushing his son, then saw Liu Siyuan lying on the ground with his legs still bare, and then thought of the tragic cry his son made just now, he immediately His face turned pale.

"Bastard! What did you do to my son?" Old man Liu was furious, and strode forward, as if he wanted to fight Feng Qingyin desperately.

Feng Qingyin looked at the excited and resentful expression in his eyes, and a sneer flashed across the corner of her mouth, "Is this how you thank the benefactor who cured your son?"

"Damn!" Old man Liu stared at her resentfully, his eyes wishing to poke holes in her body, "You bastard! You are struck by lightning, you..."

"Father, what are you doing?"

He was only halfway through speaking when he was grabbed by the person behind him.

Old man Liu didn't even turn his head, "Yuan'er, don't be afraid, father will never let anyone bully you!"

"Father!" Liu Siyuan was puzzled when he heard what he said so strangely, "What are you talking about?"

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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