The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 368 I Can't Take It Anymore!

Chapter 368 I Can't Take It Anymore!

Nan Lingyue's eyes were completely covered by the skirt, and she couldn't see anything, so she felt the hand pinching her neck clearly and deeply.

She heard a human voice, and struggled to squeeze out a few words from her throat, "Feng Qingcheng... let me go..."

Feng Qingcheng glanced at her, and her eyes were hot on the spot by her naked appearance.

When a woman looks at a woman, no matter how big the breasts and hips are, it is still a pile of white meat, not much different from looking at a pig at a butcher's stall.

Oh no, there is a difference.

At least pork can still be eaten, and her body makes people want to vomit!

Feng Qingcheng ignored her words, snorted lightly, and asked, "Is it because the princess is not used to Yuncang's climate when she came from South Vietnam? Or is it so hot that you will die if you wear clothes to hide your embarrassment?"

Such a straightforward humiliation made Nan Lingyue's face extremely embarrassed. She didn't want to answer this question, she twisted her body and struggled desperately to get rid of the hand that was pinching her throat, "Let let me go...Feng Qingcheng... can I leave you alone..."

"I don't like to meddle in other people's business. It's just that you plan on my man and insult my son. If I don't settle this account with you, others will think I'm a soft persimmon!"

"What, what plotted against your man? Don't spout blood..." Nan Lingyue tied her tongue and denied what she had done. "As for that little monk...he is not your son...ah!"

Before she could finish speaking, Feng Qingcheng's five-fingered hand gripped her neck with increasing force, "I'll say it again, Ah Li is my son, you apologize immediately."

After all, Nan Lingyue is also a princess of a country, how could she easily bow her head?

"Feng treat me like this...I will make you regret..."

Feng Qingcheng narrowed her beautiful eyes and glanced at the man soaking in the lake, tightened her fingers again, and asked with a blank expression, "Are you really apologizing?"

"No... Dao..." Nan Lingyue was also a man of backbone, she was sure that she would not dare to do anything to herself, so she gritted her teeth and held on.

"Very good, I admire your toughness the most." While Feng Qingcheng was speaking, she raised her free hand slightly, and nodded to her forehead from the air.

Immediately, a white light shot out from the fingertips, directly penetrating Nan Lingyue's skin.

In the next second, Nan Lingyue's body seemed to be bitten by countless insects and ants. The painful and itchy feeling was simply unbearable.

"Ah——" Nan Lingyue couldn't take it anymore on the spot, and cried out in pain, rubbing her naked body against the pillar vigorously, "It's hard to's so uncomfortable..."

Those insects and ants were everywhere, gnawing at her skin bit by bit. Although the pain was not fatal, it was unbearable.

There seemed to be such a bug in every pore of the body, as long as Feng Qingcheng gave orders, they would start to bite her, the feeling of itching and pain, there was no way to describe it in words.

Feng Qingcheng watched her in pain from the sidelines, without any sympathy in her eyes, she just asked coldly, "Are you apologizing?"

"I..." Nan Lingyue didn't want to give in, she gritted her teeth and wanted to say something more.

Seeing this, Feng Qingcheng tapped her finger again, and the pain in her body doubled immediately, "Ah... I can't take it anymore... I can't take it anymore... Stop... Feng Qingcheng... You stop..."

Feng Qingcheng twitched the corner of her mouth lightly, and said the same three words, "Apologize?"

 Thank you little fairy [Yuyou] for your reward, please ask for a ticket, please~
(End of this chapter)

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