The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 371 Save this account for tomorrow!

Chapter 371 Save this account for tomorrow!

The night was blurry, and the cool breeze was blowing on the lake.

The moon seemed to be shy because of the behavior of the two people in the lake pavilion, and quietly hid behind the clouds.

I don't know whether this man's physical strength is too strong, or the medicine in his body is too strong. Feng Qingcheng was tortured by him to the end, sleepy and tired, and just fell asleep like this.

Cang Yanlei's brocade robe, which was drenched on his upper body, had been taken off by him and thrown on the ground casually. At this moment, there was still an aftertaste of love and desire on his body, and he was so sexy that he couldn't help it.

At this moment, looking at the exhausted person below him, he raised his slender fingers to gently brush away the messy hair on her cheek, leaned over, and pressed a loving kiss on the corner of her lips.

Because he couldn't help himself, he didn't control his strength well, as if he hurt her.

Thinking of this, a chill suddenly appeared between his brows, and the sharp-edged profile of his face was also covered by cold hostility.

He won't just forget about being drugged by Nan Lingyue tonight, and leave this account for tomorrow!

And when he set his eyes on Feng Qingcheng's face again, Jun's face regained its original gentleness.

He wrapped her body tightly with the clean skirt she took off before diving, then picked her up horizontally, and strode towards the bedroom.

When he walked out of the pavilion, he paused and called out to the void, "Cang Jin."

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed, and he knelt down on the ground about a foot away from him, "My subordinate is here."

"Treat the traces in the pavilion."


Cangjin moved very quickly, and it didn't take long to clean up the messy pavilion.

Looking at the cleaned Huxin Pavilion, Cang Jin checked it carefully again, and after confirming that there was no trace left, he turned around and left the venue quietly.

As the night deepened, there was silence everywhere, only the frogs in the grass by the lake were still screaming tirelessly.

Except for teams of patrolling guards, no one moved around in the entire palace.

A black figure leaped into the wall vigorously, picked up a small earring that Cang Jin had missed from the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and then left quietly.

Under the darkness, everyone in the palace fell into a deep sleep.

In the dormitory where Cang Yanli's family of three lived, on the spacious bed, Cangli's little brows were tightly knit into a ball, and the hands beside him also tightened and loosened, as if he was having some kind of nightmare.

"Ah!" Suddenly he screamed, opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up from the bed.

His movement was not small, and Cang Yanli, who had always been a light sleeper, also woke up.

The man glanced at Feng Qingcheng who was still sleeping soundly, and asked his son in a low voice, "A Li, what's wrong with you?"

Cang Li seemed to wake up from a nightmare just now, his breathing was a little short, and his speech was stuttering, "There are people naked in the lake!"

Cang Yanlei frowned when he heard the words, and immediately thought of Nan Lingyue's undressing tonight, "A Li, did you sneak to the Imperial Garden at night?"

He clearly let Cang Jin guard there, how did Ah Li see it?
Cang Li's head was still a little dazed, and he must have been quite frightened in his dream. He hugged the man with two short arms, and kept muttering, "There is a man without clothes...with no clothes... ..."

Cang Yanli did not continue to question, stretched out his hand and hugged him into his arms, patted the back of his hand lightly, and coaxed him in a warm voice, "It's okay, Ah Li, don't be afraid, with your father here, don't be afraid."

Under his comfort, Cangli's mood gradually stabilized.

The little guy yawned, arched into the man's arms, found a comfortable position, and soon fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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