The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 375 Preliminary determination that she committed suicide!

Chapter 375 Preliminary determination that she committed suicide!

Ahan is still the same as in his previous life, no matter what happens, he will not be impulsive and reckless, but analyze the problem objectively and calmly, and then find a way to solve the problem.

Listening to his words, Feng Qingcheng couldn't help being moved.

She pursed her lips and raised her head to meet his gaze, "I want to go and see Princess Lingyue, maybe I can find useful clues."

Pain flashed across Nan Lingyue's eyes, and after a moment of silence, she let out a long breath, "Go with me."

"Okay." Feng Qingcheng nodded, and left the bedroom with him.

The two of them, one in front of the other, soon came to the Royal Garden.

Because of the loss of life, the imperial garden has been completely sealed off, and there is a guard standing there every few steps.

And the Huxin Pavilion was full of people at the moment, making the originally spacious space suddenly cramped.

After Feng Qingcheng entered the pavilion, the people who were standing inside all spontaneously retreated to the side to make way for her.

Even though she was already mentally prepared, when she saw Nan Lingyue's body, she still couldn't help but feel a tizzy in her stomach.

Nan Lingyue's body was soaked in the water overnight, her skin was white and swollen from the cold lake, and her body looked bloated.

When she was discovered, she was not wearing any clothes. At this time, someone found a white cloth to cover all the key parts of her body.

Probably the body hadn't been tampered with since it was moved into the pavilion. Nan Lingyue's eyes were still open, and her eyes were extremely frightened.

The eye sockets were wide open, as if the eyeballs might roll out at any moment.

Even though Feng Qingcheng didn't like Nan Lingyue very much, seeing her tragic death at this moment, she couldn't bear it.

However, she gritted her teeth, leaned closer, and reached out to pull the white cloth covering her body. Before her hand touched the white cloth, she was grabbed by a big warm and dry hand.

"If you can't stand it, there's no need to be brave."

A deep and magnetic voice sounded from above his head with concern, Feng Qingcheng looked up, and was facing Cang Yanlu's deep and dark eyes.

She shook her head, "I'm fine."

Cang Yanlei was standing not far from her just now, but she didn't glance at him, she only had Nan Linghan in her eyes.

This realization made him very upset, and he even tightened his grip on her hand by three points, "You didn't have a good rest last night, so leave this matter to me."

"I'm really fine." Feng Qingcheng forcefully pulled her wrist out of his hand, her fine eyebrows were slightly frowned, with stubbornness between her brows,

"If I'm not present at this time, some people may think that I'm guilty. I want to find clues to prove whether Nan Lingyue committed suicide or was murdered to prove my innocence."

Cang Yanlei knew that since she had made a decision, it would be difficult to change it, so she didn't say anything more, and said calmly, "The imperial doctor has seen it just now, and preliminarily determined that she committed suicide."

"Suicide?" Feng Qingcheng frowned even tighter, bent down and lifted a corner of the white cloth covering Nan Lingyue's legs.

The corpse's legs were also swollen a lot, but there were no other marks on the skin, so no matter how you looked at it, it seemed that he couldn't think about jumping into the lake.

Feng Qingcheng hung her head in silence, seeing that there was nothing suspicious, and was about to put down the white cloth when, out of the corner of her eye, she accidentally caught a faint strangle mark under the silver anklet tied around her ankle.

Her movements paused, and she opened the white cloth further.

Not only her ankles, but Nan Lingyue's calf has several strangle marks like this, but the marks are very faint, so shallow that they can almost be ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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