The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 381 Turns out to be a playful brat!

Chapter 381 Turns out to be a playful brat!
Feng Qingcheng narrowed her eyes, turned her head and shouted towards the door, "Cang Yanli, come quickly!"

When Cang Yanlei heard her voice, his expression tightened, he turned around and strode back to the ice cellar, "What's wrong?"

"Look! An earring is missing from Nan Lingyue's ear!" Feng Qingcheng pointed to Nan Lingyue's empty right ear with a dignified expression, "I suspect that the murderer probably took Nan Lingyue's earring, and Use the earring as a medium to exercise mind control over her."

Cang Yanlei looked at Nan Lingyue in the direction of her finger, and after a few seconds of silence, he slowly said, "Missing an earring does not prove that it was taken away by someone, it may be that she drowned Time to fall into the lake."

Feng Qingcheng originally thought that she had grasped a little clue, but after hearing this, she couldn't help sighing in frustration, "You are right, unless it can be proved that the murderer has an earring in his hand, the lack of an earring really doesn't mean much."

Seeing her helpless expression, Cang Yanlai reached out and touched her face, and comforted her, "You don't have to be discouraged, maybe this is really a useful clue."

"En." Feng Qingcheng nodded, and took another deep look at the person in the ice coffin, "Let's go back first."

"it is good."

However, not long after they walked out, there was a sudden noise not far away, and then several teams of guards hurried past them and ran forward.

Feng Qingcheng was puzzled, grabbed one of them and asked, "What's the matter? What happened?"

The guard turned to look at her, and replied respectfully, "Back to the princess, an assassin broke into the palace, and everyone is looking for the assassin now."

"Assassin?" Feng Qingcheng looked sideways at Cang Yanli, "Could it be related to the murderer?"

Cang Yanlei pursed his thin lips, and thought for a few seconds, "If it was really her, she shouldn't come to the palace so blatantly, it's too risky."

Feng Qingcheng agreed with his guess, but it was even more troublesome, "But, if it wasn't her, who would it be?"

Cang Yanwei curled his lips, and said lightly, "Since you are curious, why don't you go and see the situation."

Feng Qingcheng nodded, "Okay!"

To the northwest of the palace, Liu Siyuan was slightly injured in the fight with the guards just now.

He fled all the way here, tore off a long strip of cloth from the hem of the black robe, and roughly bandaged the wound.

"Uncle, can you do me a favor?"

At this moment, there was a crisp little milk sound in his ear.

Liu Siyuan was startled, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.At the same time, he vigilantly raised his hand and pressed the soft sword on his waist.

However, before he could draw out the soft sword, his robe was suddenly grabbed by a small white hand, "Uncle, uncle!"

Liu Siyuan lowered his eyes, and a chubby hand with five small pits came into view.

He looked along the hand, and his eyes met a pair of big black eyes.

Holding on to his clothes was a young monk wearing a well-fitting monk's robe. From the outside, he looked only about three or four years old, and his powder-carved and jade-carved features revealed a sense of vigor.

The murderous look in Liu Siyuan's eyes dissipated, and he asked in a slow tone, "What's wrong?"

Cangli raised his small hand and pointed at the peach tree behind him, whispered softly, blinked his big eyes, "Uncle, my kite flew up to the tree, can you help me get it down?"

It turned out to be a playful brat!
Seeing his clear eyes, Liu Siyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "No problem."

He walked under the peach tree, tapped his toes on the ground, jumped up, and easily took down the kite hanging from the branch, "Here, take it."

(End of this chapter)

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