The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 384 There is a strange uncle who wants to eat people!

Chapter 384 There is a strange uncle who wants to eat people!

Liu Siyuan followed her line of sight, looked down at the unconscious little bald head, and replied truthfully, "I brought him out of the palace. The situation was urgent, and I originally wanted to take him as a hostage."

Feng Qingyin's eyes darkened, as if thinking of something, she confirmed again, "You stole this child from the palace?"

"Yeah." Liu Siyuan saw that her eyes suddenly condensed a little, and asked hesitantly, "...Is there anything wrong? If you find it troublesome, I will find another chance to send him back?"

"No need." Feng Qingyin took a few steps closer, her eyes fell on Cangli's pink and cute little face, the corners of her lips curled up, "Give him to me."

Liu Siyuan looked at her suspiciously, "What do you want him to do? It's troublesome for this little thing to stay with us. Now that he suddenly disappeared, the guards in the palace must be looking for his whereabouts. We'd better get him out of here before others find out." Get rid of it."

"If you're so timid, what big things can you accomplish?" Feng Qingyin snorted, and continued unhurriedly, "I'll keep him, so it will be of use to me."

Liu Siyuan's expression was slightly stiff, but he didn't say any more, and handed her the child on his shoulder.

And at this moment, the long eyelashes of the little guy in his hand trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Liu Siyuan was startled, and raised his hand to knock him out. Cang Li looked at his raised hand, his eyes were still a little dazed, but his brain had already reacted instinctively to the danger.

He twisted his small body vigorously, struggling to jump off, but Liu Siyuan broke free on the spot, unexpectedly.

Cang Li opened his big round eyes and stared at him vigilantly, "Bad Uncle, why did you beat Ah Li?"

Feng Qingyin looked closely at him just now because she wanted to confirm his identity, but now that he spoke, she was even more sure that this little monk was Feng Qingcheng's cheap son.

She stood there without moving, just watching him quietly, secretly thinking about how to use this little thing that was stolen back by stealing a sheep.

Liu Siyuan raised his eyes to Feng Qingyin, trying to find out her attitude towards the child from her eyes, but Feng Qingyin didn't even give him a corner of his eye, and stared at Cangli without blinking, looking at his His eyes were like looking at a big gold ingot that fell from the sky.

Cang Li waited for a while, seeing that he didn't answer his question, he frowned and raised his voice, "Bad uncle, I'm talking to you! Why did you arrest me?"

Liu Siyuan looked down at the little guy with his hands on his hips, seeing that he had no sense of being a prisoner at all, so he deliberately frightened him with a straight face, "I heard that the meat of the little monk is very fat, so I want to grab one and taste it."

Cangli met his terrifying eyes, his face turned pale with fright, and he took several steps back, "Don't eat me, I'm not a little monk, and my flesh is not fat at all!"

"How could it be? You look delicious because you are fat." As he spoke, Liu Siyuan exaggeratedly licked his lips with his tongue, "I'm so hungry."

Cang Li stepped back a few steps with his short legs, his big eyes rolled around, looking for a chance to escape.

When his eyes caught sight of Feng Qingyin who was standing beside him, he quickly rushed over, hugged her thigh, and at the same time sent a distress signal to her, "Help! There is a strange uncle who wants to eat people! Don't you?" Can you take me to find my mother?"

Feng Qingyin probably didn't expect him to rush over suddenly, she was hugged upright by him, she was stunned for a moment, and then slowly lowered her head to look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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