The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 390 The Assassin Came For You?

Chapter 390 The Assassin Came For You?
Cang Yanlei looked down at the person in his arms, and asked in a low voice, "Are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Feng Qingcheng shook her head, looking sideways at the short arrow on the screen.

Cang Yanlai got up and walked over, pulled out the short arrow, took off the envelope and took a look.

I saw five large characters written with a brush on the envelope-'Designed by Feng Qingcheng'.

He frowned, and a look of doubt floated in his eyes, "Is this letter addressed to you?"

"What letter, let me see." Feng Qingcheng took the envelope in his hand, took out the letter paper from inside and opened it. When she saw the hippopotamus drawn on the letter paper, her pupils shrank heavily, "This is a painting by A Li." of!"

Speaking of this, she seemed to have thought of something, and strode out of the bedroom.

At this time, the setting sun gradually sank into the horizon, dyeing the entire imperial palace in pale gold, and the glazed tiles reflected the afterglow of the setting sun, which was magnificent.

However, Feng Qingcheng had no intention of admiring such a beautiful scenery, her eyes flicked across the high palace wall, and she saw a black shadow flashing past in the distance.

She gritted her teeth and chased after him without hesitation.

However, her footsteps were not too fast, and the black shadow was extremely skilled, and it was impossible to catch up after a long distance.

Feng Qingcheng gritted her teeth and continued to chase forward, but she almost chased around the high wall for more than half the distance of the palace, and still didn't even catch up with a shadow.

At the end of the run, she was exhausted and gradually slowed down.

Closing her eyes, she leaned against the wall in frustration, panting heavily.

It didn't take long to hear footsteps in my ears, and I didn't need to guess who it was.

Sure enough, the next moment, the man's deep voice came to my ears, "What did you say in that letter? Is Ah Li in the hands of the assassin?"

Feng Qingcheng knew that he had also gone after the assassin just now, but it seemed that he had lost it too.

She nodded, "The person who kidnapped Ah Li asked me to go to the appointment alone."

This answer was unexpected, Cang Yanwei stared at her face for a moment, then pursed his thin lips, "Could it be... that the assassin came after you?"

Before, they all thought that the assassin had something to do with the murderer who killed Nan Lingyue, but now the direction seems to be a bit off.

After entering the palace, the assassin did not go to the other palace where the South Vietnamese envoy lived, but took Cang Li abducted. Such a result was really unexpected.

Feng Qingcheng was still holding the letter tightly in her hand. Apart from the hippopotamus painted by Cang Li, there was also an address written on the letter paper, asking her to go to the appointment alone.

Who knows what the other party is doing?Of course, she couldn't just run over in such a foolish way.

She looked up at the man's handsome side face, and let out a long sigh of relief, "I'll go back and find where A Li is."


When they got back, Feng Qingcheng used the little monk's robe worn by Cang Li as a medium to perform the tracking technique.

On summer nights, the most common and best control is fireflies.

A few fireflies seemed to be summoned by the white light, and flew out of the window, circled around Cangli's monk robe a few times, and then flew out of the door.

Feng Qingcheng hurriedly got up from the table, turned her head and glanced at Cang Yanlei, "Go, follow them and you will find Ah Li!"

Cang Yanli was still skeptical about her witchcraft before, but she could even cure Nan Linghan's eyes that had been blind for three years, which is enough to prove her strength.

So, without saying anything, he directly followed her out of the palace.

The two followed the fireflies all the way, and soon came to the inn where Feng Qingyin and Cangli were staying.

Feng Qingcheng went directly to the second floor, and seeing fireflies stopping and spinning around the door of a certain room, she kicked open the wooden door without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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