Chapter 394 Get Out!

Passing through the front yard, Feng Qingcheng walked back step by step, but there was no living thing in sight.

On the way here, there are insects and frogs outside, but this garden is like a dead grave, not a single sound can be heard.

What did Feng Qingyin do?
Or is it that her black witchcraft is so terrifying that even insects and animals are so afraid of her?

Feng Qingcheng was terrified, knowing that there was a trap waiting for her, but thinking of A Li, she gritted her teeth and continued walking.

Yes, for Ah Li, even if there is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den in front of her, she will go for it.

Feng Qingcheng squinted her eyes, her expression became more and more determined, and even her feet seemed to be breathing with wind.

However, even though she was mentally prepared, when she stepped into the backyard where Feng Zhi used to live and saw the scene inside, Feng Qingcheng's pupils couldn't help shrinking so hard that her heart almost stopped beating.

I saw a huge cage in the spacious space in the backyard, and the cage was sealed all around.

On the ground in the cage, Cang Li was lying quietly on the ground. He was wearing a loose robe that didn't fit well, almost covering his hands and feet tightly.

He curled up on the ground with his back facing her. Although she couldn't see his face, she could completely imagine the fragility and helplessness on his face.

Feng Qingcheng's pupils contracted violently, and in the next second, she quickened her pace and rushed directly to the cage.

Holding the iron pillar thicker than the little finger on the cage tightly with both hands, he shouted loudly at the little guy inside, "A Li! A Li!"

However, Cang Li in the cage remained motionless, not even blinking his eyelashes.

Feng Qingcheng's heart suddenly felt intense unease. Looking at his half face exposed outside, seeing his pale face, she was so distressed that even her internal organs were about to be pulled together.

She called Cangli's name a few more times, and seeing that he didn't respond, she turned around and shouted into the pitch-black space, "Feng Qingyin! Feng Qingyin! I'm coming, get out! Get out! "

However, no matter how much she yelled, there was no answer, Feng Qingcheng yelled until her voice became hoarse, "Feng Qingyin, you really are a shady mouse, even at this time, don't you dare to come out to see me? Feng Qingyin, come out! Get out!"

She shouted for a long time, and finally gave up looking for Feng Qingyin, and walked to the iron cage again, "A Li, don't be afraid, mother will rescue you out!"

As she spoke, she lowered her head and seriously searched for a hole in the cage, trying to find a way to open the iron cage.

It's a pity that she went around the iron cage twice, and found that there was no door at all in this cage. If she wanted to rescue Ah Li, the only way was to move the cage away.

After Feng Qingcheng came to this conclusion, she grabbed the iron pillar on the cage with both hands and tried to move it away.

However, the cage weighed nearly a thousand catties, and even though she had exhausted all her strength, the cage still remained motionless.

Feng Qingcheng didn't give up, and continued to exert force until the skin of both hands was torn, but she still couldn't shake the iron cage a bit.

She was so tired that she was out of breath, leaning against the side of the cage, panting heavily.

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door, followed by a slender figure walking out of the room.

This time, Feng Qingyin didn't wear the gray robe that remained unchanged all year round, but a lake green veil skirt that Feng Qingcheng used to wear before.

She walked very slowly, step by step towards Feng Qingcheng's direction. If you ignore her slightly bumpy steps, her outfit is exactly the same as Feng Qingcheng's.

(End of this chapter)

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