The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 412 It's not good! Miss 2 committed suicide by cutting her wrists!

Chapter 412 It's not good!The second lady cut her wrist and committed suicide!
When the person was dragged out of the underground secret room, Feng Qingyin was already drenched in sweat.

She also didn't care about cleaning. After moving 'Zhao Wan'er' to the bed, she glanced at the dried blood and scars on her palm, and frowned slightly, as if she was thinking about something.

The wound on his body and hand was inflicted by Zhao Wan'er with a dagger last night, and a lot of blood flowed out, and the gray robe was already stained dark red by the blood.

Feng Qingyin thought for a long time in silence, and slowly raised her hand to caress the hand that was scratched by the real Zhao Wan'er with the dagger.

She closed her eyes and meditated on Wu Jue, only to see a ball of white light suddenly condensed in the heart of her right hand.

Feng Qingyin pushed the white light towards the injured palm of 'Zhao Wan'er', and the white light was pushed into her body.

In the next second, the wound on that hand healed little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After healing the wound on her hand, Feng Qingyin drew the dagger from her waist again.

She rolled up the sleeve of 'Zhao Wan'er', and made a few gestures at that wrist with the dagger.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes turned cold, and she raised the knife, and the sharp blade of the dagger cut a scar on her wrist.

Feng Qingyin stood on the bed, watching the blood gushing out of her body, her heart was so peaceful that there was no wave.

After the blood soaked the sheets, she threw the dagger to the side of the bed, turned and walked out.

The moment the boudoir door was opened, fresh air rushed in.

Feng Qingyin closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths almost greedily.

The morning air is very fresh, inhaling the lungs, I just feel comfortable all over the body.

Feng Qingyin raised her feet and took a step, only feeling that her body was much lighter.

very nice!It feels so good to walk on two legs down to earth!

She lowered her head and glanced at her two healthy and undamaged legs, feeling an indescribable excitement in her heart.

She hated her crippled body in the past very much, and now she can get rid of it completely, which can be regarded as a new life.

However, since she wants to live, she now has to adapt to her new identity as the second young lady of the Feng family, so as not to be seen as a flaw.

She walked out of the backyard and strode along the corridor of the dinner party to the front hall, walking faster and faster, and finally ran.

"It's not good! It's not good! General, madam, it's not good! The second lady cut her wrist and committed suicide!"

Feng Yuan and Shen Rong were having breakfast in the side hall, when they heard her voice, their expressions changed on the spot.

Feng Yuan stood up from the chair all of a sudden, turned to look at the person rushing to the door, didn't even care who she was, and asked in a deep voice, "What did you say?"

Feng Qingyin ran too fast and was gasping for breath. After a few seconds of slowing down, she raised her eyes to look at him, "General, Second Miss, she, she committed suicide!"

"Qingyin!" Shen Rong's complexion changed, she dropped the bowl in her hand and walked outside quickly.

She walked up to Feng Qingyin, grabbed her arm, and said anxiously, "What did you say? Did Qingyin really cut her wrist?"

Feng Qingyin lowered her eyes, covered the look in her eyes, and said urgently, "Yes! Ma'am, hurry up and invite a doctor to show the second young lady, she looks like she is going to die soon!"

"What?!" Shen Rong seemed unable to accept such a blow, her body shook heavily, and she almost lost her footing.

Fortunately, Feng Yuan who was behind her had quick eyesight and quick hands, and supported her.

Feng Yuan gave Feng Qingyin a cold look, and said in a deep voice, "Then what are you doing here in a daze? Why don't you go and invite the doctor?"

Feng Qingyin seemed to come back to her senses all of a sudden, "Yes, yes! This servant is going to invite the doctor!"

The moment she turned around, the corners of her lips twitched coldly, evoking a sneering arc.

Seeing the back of Feng Qingyin running away, Shen Rong grabbed Feng Yuan's sleeve, "Qingyin! Let's go and see how Qingyin is doing!"

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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