The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 422 Has Princess Rui heard of the Soul Returning Grass?

Chapter 422 Has Princess Rui heard of the Soul Returning Grass?
at dusk.

Feng Qingcheng lay on the bed for a long time, gradually recovered her physical strength, and was able to get out of bed and walk around independently.

After moving around in the yard for a while, she went to the next room to visit Cang Yanli.

Opening the bead curtain and walking in, she saw the man lying on the bed at a glance.

His handsome face looked pale, with a bit of downcast weakness.

His thick eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he seemed to be enduring some pain even in a coma.

Feng Qingcheng approached slowly, stretched out her white fingers to caress the man's face, and stroked his brows with her fingertips, trying to smooth out the wrinkles for him.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind, "Princess, the prince of Nanyue is here, and he said he wants to see you."


Feng Qingcheng was hurt by a movement, took back her hand, turned to look at Biyue, "He? What do you want me for?"

Bi Yue shook her head, "I don't even know this servant, but now someone else is in the front hall, can you see Wangfei?"

Feng Qingcheng was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, "See, let's go, follow me to have a look."


Biyue was afraid that she would be tired from walking, so she reached out to help her walk out of Dongyuan.

Nan Linghan was sitting in the front hall waiting, when he heard footsteps, he raised his eyes and looked towards the door.

I saw Feng Qingcheng walking in with Biyue's support, her steps seemed a little unsteady.

He put down the teacup in his hand, "Princess Rui, I heard that you have been unwell for the past few days, so I came here specially to see how you are now?"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is concerned, it is already much better."

When facing him, Feng Qingcheng didn't look as impulsive as before, but the hand beside her still unconsciously tightened a little.

Even though she pretended to be calm on the surface, in fact, when she faced him, there was still a storm in her heart.

Since both she and Feng Qingyin came from rebirth, it makes no sense that Ah Han is not, not to mention that the facial features on his face have not changed in any way from his previous life, even the tear mole at the corner of his eye is exactly the same.

Nan Linghan glanced at her tightly clenched hand, and then raised his eyes to meet her gaze, "Princess Rui, I actually came here this time to ask for something."

He didn't go around in circles with her, and directly explained his intentions.

Feng Qingcheng nodded, "His Royal Highness, please tell me, as long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help."

Nan Linghan expected that she would agree, but seeing her answering so readily at this moment, he couldn't help smiling, "Princess Rui, what is the matter that I haven't said yet! Did you promise too quickly?" gone?"

"Then what is it that makes His Royal Highness make this trip in person?"

Nan Linghan smiled again, and his low-mellow voice was not in a hurry, "I wonder if Princess Rui has ever heard of the Soul Returning Grass?"

Returning Soul Grass?
Feng Qingcheng's eyes froze slightly, and she didn't respond, "Where did His Royal Highness hear it? As far as I know, the Soul Returning Grass does not exist in the world, and it is definitely not as magical as it is said in the legend."

She has only read about this kind of grass in a certain witchcraft book, saying that it has miraculous effects and can bring people back to life.

Even though she herself is now proficient in witchcraft, she still doesn't believe that a mere blade of grass can bring the dead back to life. This is simply nonsense.

Therefore, when she saw the Soul Returning Grass, she didn't read the notes behind it in detail.

There was a slight smile in Nan Linghan's warm and cool eyes, "Princess Rui, I heard that His Royal Highness is still unconscious, and the doctor is helpless. If that's the case, why don't you try this soul-returning herb? "

Feng Qingcheng met his gaze, and frowned slightly, "The Soul Resurrection Grass is just a legend, how can His Royal Highness believe such folk rumors?"

 Three shifts~
(End of this chapter)

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