Chapter 440 They Are Gone!
The girl blinked her eyes, as if she didn't quite understand what she meant, "What is a local?"

Feng Qingcheng frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she changed the way of asking, "Then have you lived in this town since you were born?"

The girl stared at her blankly, nodded slowly, "Yes."

Hearing this, Feng Qingcheng's eyes turned cold, "Then do you know where the other people in this town have gone? Why are there so many dolls in this town?"

"Puppet? What puppet?" The girl looked at her suspiciously, "Aren't all the people in this town well-behaved?"

Feng Qingcheng felt that her sanity seemed a little unclear, raised her hand and pointed at the stove, and asked, "Look, the cook standing there is a doll. You have lived in the town since you were a child, have you never seen one before?" Is it a puppet?"

The girl's eyes moved, and she followed her gaze towards the stove.

Just now she only had noodles in her eyes, but now she finally saw the 'cook lady' standing there.

"She is the red bean sister who is in charge of the spoon in the store."

"Heading the spoon?" Feng Qingcheng frowned again when she heard this, "But she can't even move, how could she be the chef in charge of the spoon?"

The girl tilted her head and thought for a while, "Sister Hongdou is just asleep, and she will wake up when the sun rises tomorrow."

Feng Qingcheng asked again, "So, what about you, why did you appear here?"

The girl replied, "I'm hungry, so I came here to find something to eat."

"Where are your adults? Don't your parents usually cook for you?"

"They're gone!"

Feng Qingcheng hurriedly asked, "What do you mean by missing?"

"It's just... just... I can't find them..."

"What about the rest of the town?"

"Everyone else is sleeping at home."

Feng Qingcheng, "..."

The little girl was talking incoherently, and her spirit seemed to be insane, and she didn't seem to get much useful information from her mouth.

She raised her hand and pressed her forehead, "Forget it, it's too late, you should go home and sleep."

However, in fact, she can also understand that a lonely girl living in such a town where there are not even a living person, it would be strange not to go crazy!

Feng Qingcheng sat in the carriage for a whole day, and she used up a lot of energy just now by performing witchcraft, and now she is exhausted.

"A Li, are you full?"

Compared to the girl's rude manner of eating, Cangli eats very politely and slowly.

At this time, he drank up the noodle soup in the bowl, then put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Mother, Ah Li is full."

"Let's go back to bed when we're full."

As Feng Qingcheng said, she stood up from the table, planning to recharge her energy and go to other parts of the town tomorrow to see if she could find any living people.

But they were only two steps away, and the girl hurried to catch up.

Feng Qingcheng paused slightly, then turned to look at her in doubt, "What's the matter? Do you still have something to do?"


The girl pointed to the empty bowls on the table, then to her own mouth, and finally to the night outside.

She obviously only said a few incoherent monosyllables, but Feng Qingcheng still understood what she meant, "Got it, you want to come over to eat noodles tomorrow morning, right?"

The girl nodded vigorously, "Yes."

"No problem." Feng Qingcheng readily agreed, "When the sun rises tomorrow, you come to me, and I will cook delicious noodles for you, okay?"

"it is good."

After making an agreement with the girl, Feng Qingcheng dragged Cangli to the guest room. Before leaving, she took another deep look at the girl standing at the door of the kitchen, with deep meaning in her eyes.

 One more~
(End of this chapter)

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