Chapter 702

Without the threat of the giant python, and with two red pythons as guards, everyone slept much more peacefully this night than before.

The next morning, as soon as Feng Qingcheng opened her eyes, she saw several dead hares under a tree not far away.

She looked around, and when she saw Dabai's family of three eating under a certain tree, she immediately understood, "It turns out that these wild rabbits are what Dabai hunted for us for breakfast."

Murphy also woke up, stretched his waist and looked at the few hares, and couldn't help but sigh, "I really didn't expect the gap between the python and the python to be so big. Last night, the giant python wanted to eat us , but Dabai they find food for us! How nice! For the sake of Dabai’s family of three, I decided to never eat snakes again from now on!”

Feng Qingcheng looked at her swearing expression, smiled lightly and shook her head, "Okay, come and help me peel the rabbits, everyone didn't eat anything last night, they must be hungry. Before going up the mountain, let's have a big meal!"

"it is good!"

Murphy walked over with her briskly, and began to deal with the hares that had been strangled to death by the pythons.

Along the way, she has eaten a lot of game, but she thinks the most delicious is rabbit meat!

Especially after being processed by Feng Qingcheng, the meat is grilled so oily and fragrant, not to mention how delicious it is!
After everyone was full, Feng Qingcheng glanced at his son sitting next to him, and asked, "A Li, you said yesterday that you have seen the Soul Returning Grass?"

"That's right!" Cang Li was still gnawing on the rabbit's leg, and his little mouth was glistening with food. He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, swallowing the rabbit meat in his mouth, and then continued, "I'm talking to Dabai. They went up the mountain together, and the returning soul grass on the mountain grows beautifully, but it is too bad! I catch it and run away, but I can't catch it at all..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Fei couldn't help but asked curiously, "If you grab the Soul Returning Grass, it can still run away? Could it be that the Soul Returning Grass has grown its own legs?"

"That's right! It has legs!" Cang Li nodded plausibly, his big eyes flickering, and continued, "Not only does it have legs, but it also slides very fast, so it's hard to catch! I also know that it likes to bask in the sun." The sun! During the day, it will climb to the edge of the cliff to bask in the sun!"

Mo Fei couldn't believe it when he said that the grass was so miraculous, "How can there be grass with legs? A Li, are you sure you read it right?"

"No! I almost caught it!" Seeing her doubtful expression, Cangli raised his hand to point at Dabai, and said, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Dabai and they will come with me. Yes, you can see it clearly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dabai, Dahei, and Xiao Chilian nodded their triangular heads in unison, as if they had made an agreement, and their movements were indescribably consistent.

Looking at this scene, Feng Qingcheng felt inexplicably happy, and felt like a group of three pyramid schemes, ah, no, it was a group of three snakes.

She withdrew her gaze, raised her hand to touch her son's bald head, and said with a smile, "A Li, we believe in you, and we need you to lead the way up the mountain with us later!"

Cangli saw that she trusted him so much, he straightened his chest, "Mother, don't worry, I will take care of the way! I know where the soul-returning grass is!"

"Okay." Feng Qingcheng nodded with a smile, her eyes fell on the half-gnawed rabbit leg, and she said, "Hurry up and eat, we will set off after eating."

"Yeah!" Cang Li lowered his head and took another bite of the rabbit's leg. He ate and praised, "Mother, your grilled meat is still delicious! My pretty brother will burn the meat every time he grills it!"

 Two more!
(End of this chapter)

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