Chapter 716 Dabai, Farewell!

Seeing that it was about to turn its head, Feng Qingyin thought it was going to attack her, and her heart shuddered.

She immediately took a few steps back vigilantly, raised her hand and waved again.

Another light hit Dabai again, before Dabai even had time to turn the triangular head around, the thick snake body fell straight down the cliff.

Feng Qingyin stood at the side and watched this scene coldly, with a sinister arc drawn from the corner of her mouth, "You trash who betrayed me! Rather than waiting for you to help Feng Qingcheng deal with me, I'd rather let you die!"

She is a hard-hearted woman with no real feelings at all in her heart.

Now that Dabai has betrayed her, it deserves to die!
Feng Qingyin walked slowly to the edge of the cliff, seeing that the figure of the red python had completely disappeared, she couldn't help but raise her red lips, "Dabai, farewell!"


"Big White!"

At the same time, in the cave below the mountain.

Following Cang Li's exclamation, Feng Qingcheng immediately opened his eyes.

She turned to look at the little guy beside her, and asked suspiciously, "A Li, what's wrong with you?"

Cang Li grabbed her arm, and said hastily, with an urgent tone, "Mother! I dreamed about Dabai! I dreamed that it was pushed off the cliff by bad guys!"

Feng Qingcheng raised her hand to gently wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead, and said warmly, "Little fool, Dabai is in the cave, how could it be pushed down the cliff? Besides, Dabai is so heavy, who can push it?"

Just as she finished speaking, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped her head.

Feng Qingcheng pursed her lips, smiled and said to the little guy, "Look, Dabai is not here..."

Before she could finish her words, when her gaze fell on the forehead of the red python in front of her, her expression couldn't help but change, "Is it Dahei?"

At the moment when he saw Dahei, for some reason, Feng Qingcheng suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness.

She frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Dahei, where is Dabai? Is it still resting in the cave?"

Dahei met her questioning gaze, swung his triangular head from side to side, "Hiss!"

Feng Qingcheng frowned heavily, "You mean, Dabai isn't in the cave?"


Seeing Dahei nodding, Feng Qingcheng's expression became more serious, "If Dabai wasn't in the cave, where would he go?"

Cangli became anxious immediately, grabbed Feng Qingcheng with two small hands, and hurriedly said, "Mother, Dabai has gone to the top of the mountain! It was pushed down the mountain all at once! I saw it clearly in my dream just now!"

Their voices were not low, and Murphy who was next to him was woken up, yawned and said, "A Li, you are just having a nightmare, how can you take it seriously? Dabai is not in the cave, he probably went out to hunt rabbits for us ah!"

Feng Qingcheng's brows became tighter and tighter. She knew better than anyone else that Cangli's dreams were often happening or about to happen in reality.

She thought in silence for a moment, then stood up suddenly from the ground, "Whether this dream is true or not, I decided to go out of the mountain immediately and go to the top of the cliff to find Dabai!"

While they were talking, several men who were sleeping not far away woke up one after another.

After hearing that Dabai was gone, Nan Linghan said lightly, "I also think it is more likely that Dabai will go hunting. Ah Li has been frightened a lot during this time, and it is normal to have nightmares." .However, I have no objection to starting now, everyone has slept enough, and it is not long before dawn. When we climb to the top of the mountain, the sun should almost come out."

Everyone agreed to go to the top of the mountain now, Feng Qingcheng didn't say much, and announced in a deep voice, "Everyone take your luggage, let's set off now!"

 Four shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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