The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 721 This is the snake scale on Dabai's body!

Chapter 721 This is the snake scale on Dabai's body!
"Wait a minute." Seeing him rushing towards him, Liu Siyuan raised the rabbit meat in his hand, pointed to the dry firewood in the corner of the stone wall, and said to him, "It tastes better when it's warmed up."

"Okay! I'll make a fire!" Yan Wushuang took out a fire pocket from her arms, and diligently lit the pile of firewood. "Quick, quick! Put the rabbit on the fire and roast it!"

When the rabbit meat was roasting hot, the two of them couldn't wait to start.

Just as they were devouring, Mo Fei, who was still struggling on the mountain road, suddenly yelled, "Ah! I left the half of the rabbit that I didn't finish eating last night in the cave and forgot to take it!"

Mo Yebai saw that she was thinking about food anytime and anywhere, smiled lightly and shook his head and said, "It's okay, after we get the soul-returning grass and find Dabai, you can go to the cave and eat the re-made rabbit meat, how nice it is!"

Upon hearing this, Murphy nodded and said, "That's right! Then let's speed up! Before any tigers and wolves eat the rabbit meat I hid there!"

As the sun gradually rose, the group of them also accelerated their speed.

Feng Qingcheng looked up and looked ahead, encouraging morale, "I have already seen the top of the cliff, everyone work hard, we will be there soon!"

"it is good!"

Everyone encouraged each other, and it didn't take long to reach the top of the cliff.

Cangli immediately raised his little hand, pointed to the direction of the cliff and said to Feng Qingcheng, "Mother! The Soul Returning Grass is there!"

Feng Qingcheng listened to his son's crisp voice, his eyes were slightly cold, he took his little hand and walked towards the edge of the cliff, "Let's go and have a look!"

Just when he was about to reach the edge of the cliff, Cang Li suddenly raised his little index finger to silence her, "Shh! Mother, the Soul Returning Grass is very cunning, we will run away as soon as we grab it!"

Seeing that he kept his voice to a minimum, Feng Qingcheng couldn't help but lighten his steps, "Okay, let's catch it together."

"Mother, it's there!"

When he saw the soul-returning grass bathed in the sun, Cang Li took a step forward excitedly.

Suddenly, his foot stepped on something and slipped slightly.

Feng Qingcheng was startled immediately, and quickly reached out to grab him, "A Li, be careful!"

"I seem to have stepped on something." Cang Li moved his foot, looked down, and couldn't help screaming, "What is this?"

Feng Qingcheng followed his line of sight and looked down at his feet. When she saw the red snake scale lying quietly on the edge of the cliff, her expression changed immediately, "This is the snake scale on Dabai's body!"

Hearing this, Cangli's expression froze, and his tone was urgent, "Mother! When I dreamed about Dabai, it was pushed down from this place! It's here!"

Originally, Feng Qingcheng held a glimmer of hope, hoping that Cangli's dream would not be true.

But now, they picked up the scales on Dabai's body on the edge of the cliff, and the result is self-evident.

She bent down slowly and picked up the scales from the ground.

She lowered her eyes and stared at the snake scales for a long time before she asked in a low voice, "A Li, did you see clearly who the one pushing Dabai was in your dream?"

Cang Li shook his head, "No, I only saw one hand, and when that hand pushed Dabai, it emitted a light! Very bright, very bright light!"

It seems that the person who pushes Dabai down is also capable of witchcraft!

But what Feng Qingcheng couldn't figure out was that even if that person knew witchcraft, Dabai was not a snake with no power to bind a chicken, how could he be easily tricked?
Plus Dabai's IQ is higher than that of ordinary snakes, why did it leave the cave last night and come to such a dangerous place on the edge of the cliff, so that the bad guys can take advantage of it?
(End of this chapter)

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