The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 724 Mother caught the soul returning grass!

Chapter 724 Mother caught the soul returning grass!

"I think the thing it is afraid of is probably right in front of us." Feng Qingcheng frowned, glanced around, thinking secretly in her heart, "But, what could it be?"

Just as she was thinking hard, Mo Fei untied his water bag from his waist to drink water.When she was drinking water, Cang Li didn't see it, so he reached out and patted the back of her hand, wanting to talk to her.

Murphy was startled, and the hand holding the water bag couldn't help shaking, and the water inside immediately splashed out.

A few drops of it happened to splash on the leaves of the Returning Soul Grass, and then the Returning Soul Plant felt like an electric shock, and the emerald green stems and leaves shook involuntarily.

It didn't stand still until the water droplets on the leaves were shaken off.

This scene happened to fall into Feng Qingcheng's eyes, her eyes moved slightly, and she took the water bag from Mo Fei's hand without hesitation.

"Lend me some water."

"Are you thirsty too?" Mo Fei saw that she did not drink water after taking the water bag, but poured water into his palm, and asked suspiciously, "Sister Qingcheng, what are you going to do?"

Feng Qingcheng didn't answer her question, she walked gently to the soul returning grass, and poured the water in her hand on the leaves of the returning soul grass.

The leaves of the Resurrection Grass trembled the moment they touched the water drops. A grass as green as emerald twisted the old disco in the sun. The picture was really fantastic.

Murphy was dumbfounded, "Oh my god! Is this soul-returning plant dancing?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the soul-returning grass had already shaken off all the water droplets on the leaves.

Cang Li couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Mother, why did you water the soul-returning grass?"

Feng Qingcheng turned to look at their curious eyes, and slightly curled the corner of her lower lip, "Don't you see it? This soul-returning grass is afraid of water."

What an oddity!

As a grass, it is not surprising that it likes sunlight, but it can run and move, and is afraid of water, which is really incredible!

Shouldn't plants depend on water to grow?
However, the soul-returning herb is not ordinary, so naturally it cannot be viewed from the perspective of wild weeds.

Feng Qingcheng glanced at the soul-returning grass again, and finally turned her gaze back to her hand, and said with a slight smile, "I already know how to pick the soul-returning grass."

When Cangli and Mo Fei heard this, they immediately asked excitedly, "What can I do?"

"You guys look after it." Feng Qingcheng squatted down in front of the soul-returning grass, then raised the water bag in her hand, and slowly poured all the water on the soul-returning grass.

The leaves of the soul-returning grass began to shake when they touched the first drop of water. Feng Qingcheng continued to pour water with one hand, and slowly approached the soul-returning grass with the other hand.

While it was shaking non-stop, she grabbed it violently and held its stem victoriously.

"Caught it! Mother has caught the Soul Resurrection Grass!"

Cang Li looked at the Soul Returning Grass writhing desperately in her hand, and clapped his hands excitedly.

Feng Qingcheng handed the water bag to Mo Fei, and with a little effort, he pulled the soul-returning grass from the edge of the cliff.

After pulling it out, all of them could clearly see the whole picture of the Soul Returning Grass.

It turned out that under the green stems and leaves of the soul-returning grass, there was something like a bug.

Its long body has been integrated with the grass, green and green, and at the root are the insect's feet, which are long and thin, much like the roots of the returning soul grass.

Feng Qingcheng looked at the soul-returning grass in his hand, and suddenly said, "It turns out that the soul-returning grass is similar to Cordyceps sinensis, and animals and plants grow together, but the worms at the root of the soul-returning grass are always alive, so when someone wants to pick it , it will run around on the edge of the cliff, as if it has become a spirit!"

 Four more!Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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