The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 726 It's time to show your real body too!

Chapter 726 It's time to show your real body too!
"Come out! You have followed us shyly for so long, it's time to show your real body!"

In mid-air, Feng Qingcheng raised her eyes to stare in a certain direction, controlled the wooden box with one hand, flipped the palm of the other hand, and a white light of several inches suddenly shot up in the palm.

She glanced in a certain direction, and then pushed the white light in her palm towards that direction.

The white light flew away, and when it flew halfway, it suddenly seemed to hit an invisible wall, and countless sparks burst out.

The people standing below saw the sparks flying and quickly backed away to avoid it.

Seeing that the blow was missed, Feng Qingcheng shot again, this time she used more force than before.

And the invisible wall was also smashed by her, and white light exploded on the top of the pine tree not far away.

Suddenly, a figure appeared on the pine tree.

The other party was wearing a gray robe, and most of his face was wrapped behind a gauze, so he couldn't see his true face clearly.

This dress was completely in the same style as Feng Qingyin's, but Feng Qingcheng looked at her protruding eyes and could tell at a glance that this face was not Feng Qingyin's.

And these hateful eyes became more and more familiar the more she looked at them, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with Feng Qingyin?"

Feng Qingcheng stared at her coldly, while silently exerting force with both hands, trying to seize the opportunity to take back the wooden box containing the returning soul grass.

Above the top of the pine tree, Feng Qingyin looked at Feng Qingcheng's face, and the hatred in her eyes suddenly became stronger.

For so many years, what she has always dreamed of is to have a perfect body.

However, she made so many efforts, but still failed.

The more Feng Qingyin thought about it, the angrier she felt, and she said bitterly, "Want to know? Then go to hell and ask Lord Yan!"

As she said that, she raised her hand again, and a ghostly purple light emerged from the palm of her hand. Driven by her, the light shot straight towards Feng Qingcheng's face.

Feng Qingcheng's expression froze, he crossed his arms in front of his face, and then pulled them back heavily.

Dozens of white lights shot out from her arms, quickly attacking the opposite side.

The white light and the purple light collided in mid-air, sparks flew, and the people next to them felt the ground under their feet tremble, and finally fell silent again.

The two were suspended in mid-air, as if dozens of strokes had been passed in the blink of an eye.

During the fight, Feng Qingcheng discovered that the other party had a deep knowledge of witchcraft, but the witchcraft used was somewhat evil, and she had almost never seen it before.

If her guess is correct, these witchcrafts should be long-lost forbidden techniques.

Feng Qingcheng knew that if she kept working like this, she would only end up with a lose-lose result in the end.

She rolled her eyes, intentionally leaving a flaw.

Feng Qingyin wanted to defeat her wholeheartedly, and after seeing this flaw, she shot without hesitation.

Seeing that she had been fooled, Feng Qingcheng jumped up in vain when she flew towards her, and shot out the lightsabers between her hands.

When Feng Qingyin realized that she had been cheated by her, it was already too late.

She could only withdraw her moves and hastily defended, but she was still half a beat behind.

The white light knife swept across her cheeks, cutting off a strand of her hair at once.

In the next second, the veil on her face was loosened and was blown away by the wind on the cliff.

On her left cheek, there was a bloodstain from the skin cut by the light knife, which was shallow but glaring.

Seeing this scene, Cangli clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Mother is amazing! Defeat the bad woman!"

Murphy was also very happy, clenched his fists and said loudly, "I knew Sister Qingcheng was the best!"

 Two more!
(End of this chapter)

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