The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 729 Mother!What’s wrong with you?Wake up soon!

Chapter 729 Mother!What’s wrong with you?Wake up soon!
From the second Feng Qingyin was stabbed by him, her eyes never left his face!

Tears of excitement flashed in her eyes, and she wanted to speak again, but a mouthful of blood gushed out again when she opened her mouth.

The body swayed a few times on the edge of the cliff, Feng Qingyin weakly leaned back, and the whole person fell lightly towards the cliff...

"The bad guy is finally dead!" Seeing this scene, Mo Fei cheered happily, "This bad woman is really scary, brother Ling Han, you stabbed well with this sword!"

In fact, Nan Linghan was also in shock. At that time, he was only reacting instinctively when encountering danger, and wanted to resist Feng Qingyin's attack, but he never thought that he could stab her all at once.

Cangli ran forward, picked up the box of the returning soul grass from the ground cleverly, "Uncle Ahan, you are really amazing!"

"The stabbing with the sword just now was really difficult, even I didn't realize it!"

"To deal with this kind of bad woman, you must be quick and precise! Only one blow can kill you! Brother Ahan is so handsome! He is simply a hero in my heart!"

Just as they surrounded Nan Linghan and praised him, there was a muffled 'bang' from his body.

Everyone was puzzled and turned their heads to look behind them.

It turned out that Feng Qingcheng fell from mid-air and fell to the ground on the spot.



Cang Li and Cang Yanwei went there first, and when they saw her paper-white face, they immediately asked nervously, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Feng Qingcheng tightly covered her belly with her hands, and opened her mouth to speak, but before she could speak, she tilted her head and spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Her hands were tightly covering her abdomen, and the pain spread from there to her whole body, so painful that she almost wanted to scream.

She tightly grasped the man's sleeve with one hand, and tightened it tightly, as if only by doing this could she relieve the pain a little.

"Qingcheng, what's wrong with you? Where did you get hurt?"

Cang Yanli was extremely nervous, seeing that her right hand had been clutching her belly, she quickly lowered her head to check there.

However, when he took her hand away, he was shocked to find that there was not even a trace of injury on Feng Qingcheng's abdomen.

Probably witchcraft does not leave traces after hurting people.

Seeing her painful expression, Cang Yanli raised his hand to gently wipe away the blood on the corner of her mouth, "Qingcheng, tell me what to do now to relieve your pain."

Feng Qingcheng panted heavily, wanting to say something, "I..."

Her voice was very small and weak, Cang Yanlei immediately leaned over and put her ear close to her, "What did you say?"


Feng Qingcheng struggled to open and close her lips, but such a simple movement became extremely difficult for her.

"What are you?"

Cang Yanlei tried hard to hear what she said clearly, but felt the hand on his arm loosen suddenly.


When he saw Feng Qingcheng's eyes slowly closing, Cangli yelled loudly and rushed over, "Mother! What's wrong with you? Wake up quickly! Wake up!"

When he called her, the tears in his big eyes rolled down uncontrollably.

Cang Yanlei looked at Feng Qingcheng's almost lifeless face, his heart tightened, and the dull pain instantly spread to his limbs.

After a few seconds of silence, he slowly tightened his arms holding Feng Qingcheng.

The joyful atmosphere of killing the demon girl suddenly dissipated, and even the air on the top of the cliff seemed to become dignified.

Seeing this, Mo Yebai lowered his head and pressed Feng Qingcheng's pulse door, "She still has a pulse and is still alive! Everyone, don't be too busy being sad. The most urgent thing is that we go down the mountain as soon as possible and find a way to heal her!"

 One more!
(End of this chapter)

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