The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 737 You don't really intend to send me to that ghostly place, do you?

Chapter 737 You don't really intend to send me to that ghostly place, do you?

Cang Yanlei looked at her distorted face due to anger, and said coldly, "Don't make excuses for your cruelty, Feng Qingyin, this hall will not kill you, but you will never get better if you do all kinds of bad things!"

This woman has regarded Feng Qingcheng as a thorn in her side since she was a child, and has been secretly tripping her up. That's why Cang Yanli hated her so much when Feng Qingcheng married into Prince Rui's mansion.

Looking back now, it's really ridiculous that I was also secretly being led by the nose by this woman.

Feng Qingyin sneered and pulled the corners of her lips, "I'm in your hands now, what do you plan to do with me?"

"This hall will escort you back to the capital and send you to Shura Prison, so that you will never see the sun again in this life!"

Asura Prison is Yun Cang's most terrifying prison. The cell is built underground and cannot see sunlight all year round. Not only that, there are many rats and cockroaches in the prison. The chaotic environment, as well as mental torture and suffering.

The people locked up inside can't survive a week, and they will become mentally problematic, talking foolishly and crazily.

Feng Qingyin has also heard about Shura Prison, if she is locked up in that kind of place, she might as well die!

Shura Prison, Shura Prison, another name in the capital is Hell!
Once locked in, this life will be completely over!
Feng Qingyin was not afraid, she sneered, and replied, "Are you sure I won't commit suicide in Shura Prison? By then, will Feng Qingcheng still be alive?"

The reason why she had a showdown with them was because she wanted to use her own life as a bargaining chip to threaten them!

Anyway, as long as she dies, Feng Qingcheng will definitely die!

Cang Yanli was so nervous and Feng Qingcheng naturally didn't dare to be too harsh on her.

However, she was wrong, Cang Yanlei also laughed after hearing this, "Don't worry, there are guards in Shura Prison looking at those prisoners, how could they easily let the people who entered die? Prisoners would rather die than live!"

Feng Qingyin frowned suddenly, looked up at the man standing in front of her, and after a moment of silence, she asked in a calm tone, "You don't really intend to send me to such a ghostly place, do you?"

"Why not? The jailers there have many tricks to torture people. Even if you stay there for a lifetime, you may not be able to try every method. This kind of place is most suitable for a woman who has countless lives on her hands. .So, after you go in, stay in there, the hall will definitely let them take special care of you."

Feng Qingyin saw that he didn't seem to be joking with her, and the calmness on her face instantly collapsed, "Cang Yanwei, if you dare to treat me like this, believe it or not, I will commit suicide right now!"

"Do you dare?" Cang Yanlu met her threatening gaze and said coolly, "Feng Qingyin, you want to die but are afraid of death, that's why you have been hiding in the dark for so many years to hurt those innocent people The fact that you exchanged bodies with Zhao Wan'er has fully demonstrated this point. You don't want to admit defeat, and you don't want to admit fate. You are fighting against the sky and yourself! Such an ambitious woman, such a woman full of hatred in her heart How could a woman let herself die so easily?"

It had to be said that he knew her very well.

Feng Qingyin didn't expect this man to see herself so clearly, her expression turned cold, and a flash of determination flashed across her eyes, "Do you think I dare not? Then let's take a gamble!"

Before she could say it, she suddenly raised her healing hand and grabbed the long sword in the man's hand.

 One more!
(End of this chapter)

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