The sickly prince is pretending to be weak again

Chapter 744 You are so noisy, you can't sleep well!

Chapter 744 You are so noisy, you can't sleep well!
Cang Yanli moved slightly, glanced sideways at them, and lifted his lips lightly, "You guys eat, I don't have an appetite."

His thin lips were chapped and peeled, and when he spoke, he could even taste the blood and gall in his mouth.

But Cang Yanli didn't care at all, he only cared about one thing now, and that was when Feng Qingcheng would wake up.

To be honest, he himself doesn't really believe in the soul-returning grass. In his opinion, no matter how miraculous the outside world blows the soul-returning grass, it is nothing more than a grass. If it can really bring the dead back to life, then it is called real. Change fate against the sky.

But at the same time, he desperately hoped that the soul-returning grass was such a miraculous grass, that it could bring the dead back to life!

Probably no one can understand his contradictory state of mind at this time.

"People are like iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be so hungry!" Mo Fei saw that he was sitting there motionless, so he broke off a large roasted rabbit leg and came over, "Well, you can eat more! If sister Qingcheng Knowing that you don't eat or drink for her, you won't be happy! Besides, we have to take Sister Qingcheng down the mountain, if you don't fill your stomach, how can you protect Sister Qingcheng?"

Cang Li also came over, and persuaded, "Father, you should eat something, mother certainly doesn't want to see you like this."

Cang Yanwei slowly raised his head, glanced at Cangli and Mo Fei, pursed his thin lips and remained silent for a moment, he was about to speak, when the person lying in his arms suddenly moved.

After Cang Yanlei felt the movement of the person in his arms, his back stiffened, and he suddenly looked down at her.

"Ouch!" Feng Qingcheng groaned before opening her eyes, and frowned tightly, "Why does my waist hurt so much?"

Cang Yanli suddenly laughed, heaved a sigh of relief, and couldn't wait to call her, "Qingcheng! Qingcheng! You finally woke up!"

"Mother is alive! Mother is really alive!"

Murphy opened his mouth wide, "I knew Sister Qingcheng would definitely wake up, but this soul-returning grass is really amazing!"

Feng Qingcheng frowned as she heard the noisy voices in her ears, and slowly opened her eyes, "You guys are so noisy, you can't even sleep well."

Her eyelids were lifted, and she saw Cang Yanli's handsome face at the first sight, but when she saw the faint tears in the man's eyes, Feng Qingcheng suddenly widened her eyes in surprise, "Cang Yanli, you, you how……"

As soon as she finished speaking, the man suddenly pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, "Qingcheng! It's great that you're fine! Great!"

"What's wrong with me?" Feng Qingcheng's memory still stays on the scene of Feng Qingyin being stabbed and falling off the cliff after fighting with Feng Qingyin on the top of the cliff.Thinking of this, she immediately asked, "By the way, where is Feng Qingyin? Where is she?"

Cang Yanlei met her questioning gaze, and after two or three seconds of silence, he replied in a low voice, "She is dead."

"What?" Feng Qingcheng's eyes widened immediately, and she firmly denied, "Impossible, she can't be dead!"

"Why is it impossible? Cang Li and I were both there when she died."

When Cangli heard the man's words, he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, mother, my father and I saw the bad woman stabbed us to death with a sword!"

"She stabbed herself to death?" Feng Qingcheng frowned even more, and looked at her son suspiciously, "Impossible, this should be Feng Qingyin's golden cicada's trick to get out of its shell!"

She knew Feng Qingyin too well, that woman didn't know how much she cherished her own life, even if everyone in the world might commit suicide, she would never commit suicide!

 Four shifts!
(End of this chapter)

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