Be a Strong Woman: Carnegie's Book of Spiritual Growth for Women

Chapter 21 Talented and fragrant, women are talented and self-satisfied

Chapter 21 Talented and fragrant, women are talented and self-satisfied (1)
A person's appearance is born, but talent is acquired. It can not only be chosen, acquired, but also cultivated.

The fragrance of books nourishes the elegant temperament of women

At a world literature forum, there was an ordinary lady sitting upright.She wasn't thrilled to be invited to such a high-profile occasion, nor was she swaggering about her success.She only occasionally communicates with people about her writing experience.More often, she is carefully observing the people around her.After a while, a Hungarian writer came over.He asked her, "Excuse me, are you a writer too?"

The young lady replied kindly and easy-goingly: "It should be considered."

The Hungarian writer continued: "Oh, what have you written?"

The young lady smiled and replied modestly: "I have only written novels and nothing else."

After hearing this, the Hungarian writer suddenly had a proud look on his face, and couldn't hide his inner sense of superiority. He said, "I am also a novelist. I have written thirty or forty novels. Many people think that my writing is very good and very good." Well received by readers." After finishing speaking, he asked doubtfully: "You also write novels, so how many novels have you written?"

The lady replied very easy-goingly: "Compared with you, I am far behind. I have only written one book."

The Hungarian writer was even more proud and said, "You've only written one, let's share our experiences. By the way, what's the name of your novel? See if I can give you some advice."

The lady said kindly: "My novel is called Gone with the Wind, and they made it into a movie of the same name. Have you heard of this novel?"

Hearing this passage, the Hungarian writer felt ashamed. It turned out that she was the famous Margaret Mitchell.

This is an elegant woman.The elegance she showed inadvertently made people admire her.It can be seen that elegance is not born, nor is it knowing a few so-called synonymous with fashion.Elegance is a kind of charm, a kind of persistence, and a kind of test of time.There is a kind of culture that can be seen in a woman's elegant manners, which is pleasing to the eye.When elegance becomes a natural temperament, this woman must appear mature and gentle.

Whether a woman lives an elegant life, just ask yourself a few questions:
Do you have the ability to create happiness?
Is the content of your life real?

Are your feelings coming naturally?

If you can't be sure, then you must be living on the blueprints designed by others, and there is no way to talk about an elegant life.

Only by continuously improving one's taste and cultivation can one gradually approach elegance.When the taste is high, the elegant content in life will naturally increase.An elegant life is simple but rich, and personal taste and accomplishment may be the key.

Knowledge is unbreakable clothes

Most people can't bear such a situation: she is obviously a beautiful woman, but she always speaks eloquently, tells stories, and enjoys telling stories among the crowd.Such a woman really has only appearance and no wisdom, making her beautiful face unbearably vulgar.

There are also women who are not very beautiful, but who behave with grace and grace, and who shine through with their talent and inner wisdom.This kind of woman has a unique and charming charm because of her beauty and wisdom.For them, time has become a kind of embellishment.They have rich connotations, not a picture that can be seen at a glance, but an intriguing book, using the life experience from the heart to deduce their own perfect demeanor.

Professor Luke Toller of the School of Psychology at the University of Chicago said: "Many people have a wrong concept, that is, people's inner beauty and outer beauty are regarded as two unrelated parts. In fact, they are both are closely related.” Smart women not only use clothing and cosmetics to adorn themselves, but also pay more attention to the impact of their inner beauty on those around them.

Cleopatra, the legendary Egyptian queen, was a "sexy temptress".In the accounts of later generations, this peerless beauty not only temporarily preserved a dynasty by virtue of her beauty, but also made the kings of the mighty Roman Empire bow down under her pomegranate skirt and serve her willingly.

However, archaeological experts pointed out that Cleopatra actually had an average appearance. She conquered people's hearts not by her beauty, but by her outstanding knowledge and ideas.She was a well-respected scholar at the time, and knew everything about philosophy, mathematics, urban planning, and alchemy.She is fluent in multiple languages, her first language being Greek, and she also speaks Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic and Egyptian.She even wrote several books on science.Scholars in the Middle Ages never mentioned how beautiful Cleopatra was, and they were more accustomed to calling her a "good scholar".

For women who love beauty, time and age are two natural enemies.If a woman only pays attention to the cultivation of external beauty and does not pay attention to the cultivation of inner beauty, then as she grows older, her beauty will fade away, and she will eventually be unable to resist the traces left by the years, and will no longer be appreciated by everyone.And those women who pay attention to both external beauty and internal beauty will maintain their own charm and charm even when they are in their mid-mature age.Of course, this kind of charm cannot be formed overnight, it can only be obtained by continuously increasing one's knowledge.

Intellectuality: a low-key and introverted quiet beauty
Some people say that whether a woman is beautiful or not is the responsibility of her parents before the age of 30, and it is her responsibility after the age of 30.

As a woman, if she is born with a beautiful appearance and a graceful figure, it is a reward from God.The beauty of the human body is the acme of natural beauty, and this natural description of beauty is pleasing to the eye.However, physical beauty is rare, short-lived, and superficial.Beauty is always accompanied by youth, and time is its greatest enemy.When we grow old and youth is no longer, this aura of external beauty will gradually dim and even go out.

There is also a kind of beauty that will not disappear with the passage of time, that is the beauty of a person's inner cultural heritage, a kind of unconcealable wisdom that shines from the bones.This inner intellectual beauty makes women more confident and elegant.

[-]. Wisdom and knowledge are the cornerstones of a woman's self-confidence
A confident woman is beautiful, and full of wisdom and knowledge are the cornerstones of self-confidence.Intellectual beauty is a kind of mature beauty, which is gradually cultivated and deepened over time.If the beauty of appearance is intuitively pleasing to the eye, then the beauty of intelligence can make people appreciate and admire from the bottom of their hearts.

[-]. Intellectual beauty comes from continuous learning and self-enrichment
As an important group in society, the diversified social value orientation requires women to take care of both family and career, and requires women to have the fortitude and decisiveness of men without losing maternal love and feminine tenderness.If a woman wants to stay up to date and maintain her charm, she must keep learning.In a learning society that is taking shape, learning has become one of the lifestyles chosen by many women.Continuous learning becomes the source of women's beauty and an important basis for women's intellectual charm.

[-]. Women should not only possess knowledge, but also increase their knowledge

Knowledge has four levels: knowledge, insight, practical knowledge, and courage.These four levels of self-cultivation are indispensable, and need to be continuously accumulated and sharpened in the long course of life.

Only when a woman has profound knowledge, broad insight, deep practice and outstanding courage, can she be free and easy, and her life can be rich and beautiful, and her life can be wonderful because of this.

Cultural Lipsticks Reveal Your New Look

Culture, quality, self-cultivation, like fashion cosmetics, play a vital role in shaping your image.The unique temperament you have will make you the unique and most charming you.

Women should learn from politicians.You should pay attention to your image like a politician. In addition to having a real you, a gluttonous you, a playful you, and a lazy you, you should also have a radiant you, a refined you, a good-spoken you, or You who know music, art, and literature.These all help you shape the image of beauty, and these are the medium of love.For the most beautiful you, for the beautiful life, for the beautiful love, you have to pay more or less.

It is not difficult to obtain these.Don't you have to put on makeup every day before going out?Every time you put on makeup, it will take you quite a long time.If you are going out without a purpose and wandering around without gaining anything, it is better not to go out, and use the time for makeup and wandering to read one or two books to improve your taste, and to learn a little bit of common sense about literature, art, history, and culture.They definitely don't take up a lot of your time, a few hours are enough, and you only need to understand a little common sense, and a little superficial understanding is often enough.Any knowledge, any science, as long as you are willing to spend an hour or two, you can have a general understanding.This at least makes it feel like you're no stranger to these things, and it also gives you more topics to talk to people about.

Nobody asks you questions that are not your specialty.Those who know how to do it won’t ask you, and those who don’t know how to do it dare not ask you, otherwise, wouldn’t that tell you clearly that he is more ignorant than you about this knowledge?This is an era when everyone wants to express themselves. If it is not your admirers and admirers, people will not have the patience to listen to your second sentence.They are all impatient to speak, to express their thoughts and wishes, and no one is willing to give you more power to speak.They just want to know whether you are a cultured person, so that they can decide what attitude and etiquette to choose to receive you.

In social communication and social activities, your interests should be as wide as possible, and your contacts should be as wide as possible. Knowing a little bit is often a passport.Every little bit of knowledge can make you a more charming and charismatic you.Modern society is an era in which the pursuit of enjoyment, superficiality, simplicity, and entertainment tend to be more and more obvious.In such a society, the deeper your understanding of your own life and future, the better.In addition, modern society is not only showing more and more diversified trends, but also full of redundant information. There are many things that you don’t need to waste your precious time and energy to understand how comprehensive and in-depth, but ignorance is also Not desirable.There are many things, you only need to know a little bit to make you have a little more fun in communicating with others and have more chances of success.

Learn to improve your intrinsic value

If you want others to think differently about you, you must improve your intrinsic value.

In a university in Missouri, there was a girl who often cried secretly by herself at night because she was so lonely.However, several years later, excited crowds flocked to wherever she appeared, even in every corner of the world, and countless people were familiar with her face and name.She is Lucille Lehue - Joan Crawford, a Hollywood star known to all women and children.

Long ago, when Joan Crawford was still called Lucille, she had to work as a waiter in the cafeteria at Stephen's Girls' School to make ends meet.When money was tight, she had to borrow five or six dollars from the woman at the door for pocket money.She dared not go to any parties, though she had received invitations, because she had nothing to wear but the old ones her schoolmates gave her.At that time, she was depressed and so poor that she couldn't even afford a new dress.

But later, her clothes were so fashionable and beautiful that women all over the world eagerly imitated her.Clothiers often begged her to wear their new designs in public because this would immediately sell their clothes.

Her experience of poverty is so profound.She has experienced the feeling of being alone and helpless in a foreign land, and the pain of starvation when she is penniless. She knows what kind of hardships it takes to struggle out of poverty.At that time, she was living in Lawton, Oklahoma, and her friends used some old boxes to build a stage in a stable, and lit a gas lamp to imitate the mercury lamp on the stage.At this point when Joan Crawford was learning to catwalk, her amazing career had already begun.Later, determined to get more education, she enrolled at Stephen's School for Girls in Missouri, but she had no money.So, she wore old clothes that no one else wanted, and worked as a waiter in the school cafeteria to avoid the cost of board and lodging.

The hard life from childhood did not destroy her passion to learn how to walk on stage.She borrowed some travel expenses and returned to Kansas City.She worked tirelessly, saved money, and studied persistently.Over the years, she has studied all aspects of knowledge hard. In order to practice singing songs from various countries, she even studied French and English, and began to lose weight.She's just trying to get better at singing art.

Now Joan Crawford, who was born poor, could buy the most expensive and the most exquisite things.Although she was not beautiful before, she became one of the most beautiful stars on the screen.In fact, all the reasons can be found in her persistent learning.

Many women will give up active learning because they lack strong enthusiasm and self-motivation for work, and are easy to be satisfied, coupled with tedious housework.Over time, because they are too dependent on their families, their ability to work will decline, they will not be able to meet the requirements of work, and their career development will also enter a dead end.

However, in order to make others think of us differently, we must enhance our intrinsic value.Let us study hard together and become a lady who is envied by everyone and exudes elegant taste in every gesture!
Eloquence adds points to your temperament
As an art, speaking has great beauty and charm.It is the most indispensable tool in interpersonal communication, and it is also the bond connecting people. It can create friendship, close family ties, find partners, and coordinate relationships.The quality of the conversation directly determines whether a person's interpersonal relationship is harmonious, which in turn will affect the development of his career and the happiness of life.Especially for modern women, a skilled way of speaking and excellent eloquence are not only a magic weapon for family happiness, but also a sharp sword for overcoming obstacles in their careers.

(End of this chapter)

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