Chapter 280 things are in trouble

Mrs. Ye never thought that in such a short period of time, she would already be ruined, and it would also bring shame on the Zhen Guogong Mansion and Yonglehou Mansion, and even Yonglehou might be abolished.

"Ma'am, something is wrong, something is wrong..." Mrs. Ye just returned to Lord Hou's mansion when her close mother rushed out, yelling with a worried face.

Mrs. Ye was a little displeased when she saw her bluffing, and reprimanded dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing so loudly? Could it be that the sky is falling?"

Mrs. Ye was angry at the Prince Zhan's Mansion, and she was upset, and just happened to be bumped into by this mother, so she took all her anger on her.

"The big thing is bad." Mom emphasized a few words, but she didn't understand what the big thing was. Mrs. Ye was so annoyed that she stretched out her hand and gave her a slap. The mother was already anxious and didn't stand still. After being hit so hard, he fell to the ground.

"What's the matter? Tell me clearly." Because of anger, Mrs. Ye's voice was a little loud, which startled the servants who were beating the yard.

The mother was so frightened that she didn't dare to move, her heart was pounding, and she was quite frightened. She looked at Mrs. Ye and suddenly felt extremely wronged.

After not seeing a word from the mother for a long time, Mrs. Ye pointed to the little maid who came with her mother, "She didn't say anything, you tell me, what happened?"

The little maid who was called was very nervous, and her body trembled involuntarily. She lowered her head and replied softly: "Back, back to Ma'am, there are rumors outside that the third lady is not the master's daughter, and that Ma'am, you did not marry into the Hou Ye's mansion." I had a private relationship with someone before..."

After the little maid said these words tremblingly, she didn't dare to look at Mrs. Ye's expression at all, and she was very scared in her heart, so she knelt on the ground before Mrs. Ye's attack, "Madam, please forgive me, these are all rumors spread by those unscrupulous people outside .”

Is it a rumor? Mrs. Ye knew it in her heart, but she didn't know how this matter would leak out?She obviously hid this matter very well, even Ye Houye didn't know about it, so how could anyone outside know about it?

"And..." the little maid added, "The news that Madam was imprisoned by the master last time has already spread."

She didn't dare to say clearly about Mrs. Ye's stealing. She could only say vaguely that Mrs. Ye didn't realize it at first, but she thought about it after a while, and her face became ugly.

The incident last time was all due to her good daughter, who thought of framing Hei Jianyu when she had nothing to do, but this time, she didn't frame Hei Jianyu, but framed herself.

"Where is the master? Does the master know about this?" Mrs. Ye asked excitedly. She had to explain it before the master knew about it. Otherwise, her Mrs. Ye might come to an end.

"This servant doesn't know." The little maid didn't want to guess about this casually. She knelt on the ground and lowered her head, for fear that Mrs. Ye would get angry with her suddenly.

Hmph, Mrs. Ye snorted coldly, and hurriedly walked to Master Hou's room.


Mrs. Ming just came back from visiting the Buddha in the temple, when she heard the news, she was so angry that she was trembling all over, but she couldn't stop being angry.

She slapped the table with her palm and said angrily: "What are these things? What are all the things she did? Huhu..."

When she got angry, she couldn't even breathe smoothly, the old lady covered her chest, her eyes were still bright, the lady next to her immediately stepped forward to support her, and said: "Mother, don't be angry, these things may be caused by outsiders. The misrepresentation may not have been done by my sister."

"Didn't she do it?" Mentioning this matter, Mrs. Ming became even more angry, she pushed Mrs. Guogong away, pointed to the outside and shouted, "Let Guier come in, and you will know what that bastard did .”

Nanny Guo brought a woman in. The woman was covered with a veil, and her figure was a little haggard. She looked like she had been ill for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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