Chapter 291
After solving the matter of Yan Zhendong, Hei Jianyu and Chu Huang went back to Fangcaoju. Standing at the door was a nanny whom he had never seen before. Hei Jianyu was bewildered that there was no such person in her room. Chu Huang Then he said, "This is Nanny Jin, and she will take care of everything in your yard from now on."

It turned out that it was the nanny that Chu Huang arranged for her, so she said why she didn't know her. I heard that she was the nanny who served Chu Huang before, and she followed the queen mother at a very young age. She shouldn't be the type of Nanny Rong, right?
"Hello Jinmao." Although I was a little skeptical, I still should be polite, especially in front of Chu Huang.

"Nurse Jin was the one who took care of my mother in the past. She knows the rules of the palace very well. If you don't understand some rules of the royal family in the future, you can ask Nanny Jin. Chu Huang, who has always been concise and concise, suddenly said that Talking too much is enough to explain the status of such a golden nun.

Hei Jianyu smiled, and Nanny Jin also smiled back. In her opinion, the concubine Chu Huang recognized was naturally the master of the Zhan Palace, her master.

The first thing he did when he went back was to take a bath, so Jin'er and the others brought hot and cold water. Hei Jianyu took off his clothes and prepared to take a bath regardless of Chu Huang. Through the screen, Chu Huang sat on the desk and read a book.

The warm water is very comfortable, feeling that all the tiredness of these days has been cleared away, and he breathed a sigh of relief, Kuromaha closed his eyes, planning to take a comfortable bath.

"If you like it, there is a hot spring behind Ling Yuxuan." Chu Huang's voice came from behind the screen. Hei Jianyu couldn't hear clearly for a while, and was a little confused. What happened to Ling Yuxuan?Isn't he going to spend the night here?
"Do you want to go back?" That's just right, she won't have to wait on him tonight, and she has fully expected that she will definitely be questioned by Chu Huang, and she feels a headache even thinking about it.

Hearing such an answer, Chu Huang knew that Hei Jianyu didn't listen to him well, so he smiled and stopped talking. Anyway, the future is long, so let's take him there later.

Nanny Jin came in from the outside, holding a towel, and walked to Hei Jianyu's side. Hei Jianyu thought it was Jin'er, and took the towel with his hand, but accidentally saw Jin Nanny's face.

"Golden mother..." What did you want to do when you came in suddenly?
"It has been several months since the concubine married into the palace, right?" There was something in Jin Nanny's words.

"What does Nanny want to say?" Chu Huang was outside, so he must have heard what they said clearly. Why did Nanny Jin have to ask her these things at this time.

"My concubine has been married to the palace for several months, why hasn't there been any movement?" Nanny Jin stared straight at Hei Jianyu's stomach, the meaning was very obvious.

Almost no one doubted Hei Jianyu's fertility, because she had already given birth to a Lingbao, and Jin Nai was worried that they would not have a married life, so she deliberately mentioned this matter in front of Chu Huang.

"There are three kinds of unfilial piety, and the greatest thing is to have no offspring." With such a heavy hat on, Hei Jianyu didn't know what to say. This ancient rule is really troublesome. Is it her fault that she can't have children?Why don't you ask why Chu Huang didn't let her have a baby?
"What the nanny taught me is that this palace and the prince will definitely work hard." Dare this nanny follow her to urge her to have a baby with Chu Huang?

After receiving the answer, Jin Nai went back.

Chu Huang walked over from the outside, and Hei Jianyu immediately slapped him in the face, "Have you heard that, there are three unfilial acts, and the worst is having no offspring."

Thinking of this, Hei Jianyu felt furious, why did she feel that the burden of having a child rested on her, as if Chu Huang had no responsibility.

(End of this chapter)

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