Chapter 315 The matter is solved

"Doctor Wu, let's get ready."

This time Dr. Wu didn't need Hei Jianyu to explain one by one, and immediately went to prepare with the medicine box on his back. Judging from the diagnosis just now, he also knew what Hei Jianyu wanted him to do, and he gradually understood how Song Shizi thing.

Jin'er led Dr. Wu to Ling Yuxuan's guest room. In addition to Chu Huang's master bedroom, Ling Yuxuan also had a study room, a side hall for receiving guests, and a guest room, and the place they went to was the guest room.

The three princesses followed behind them with Song Zichen in their arms, King Rui was behind them, Hei Jianyu and Chu Huang were behind, and Miracle Doctor Xie and Xie Miao were at the end.

"You princess is interesting." Zhao Yibo and Bai Ze were drinking and chatting in the yard, watching Hei Jianyu and the others come out, and said so.

Bai Ze snorted dismissively, but didn't say anything.He has never had a good impression of Hei Jianyu, but it has improved a lot in the past few days, at least he will not let Chu Huang kill her again.

But as long as Hei Jianyu no longer wants to harm Chu Huang, it's not that he can't tolerate her.

After entering the guest room, what everyone saw was a large tub, with two boys standing beside him, who were apprentices of Dr. Wu, and there were a lot of medicinal materials beside it.

"Master, this medicinal soup is ready." A boy in Tsing Yi stepped forward to report.

Doctor Wu nodded and looked back at the third princess. The third princess put Song Zichen down, took off his clothes, and put him in the bathtub. The water was a little hot. Song Zichen cried out in pain from being burned. The third princess quickly held his son's hand, "Okay Just be patient, kid."

Seeing her son suffering, the third princess felt very uncomfortable. She held her son's hand and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything, so she could only suffer silently in her heart.

"Princess, please step aside." Dr. Wu took some herbs and put them into the tub. The heat of the tub is to exert the effects of these herbs. After a while, the herbs took effect, and Song Zichen began to feel tingly Shivering, the heat made him sweat, and the efficacy of the herbs made him cry out in pain.

"It hurts, my head hurts..." Song Zichen began to move non-stop, and Doctor Wu hurriedly asked the two boys to hold him down so that he wouldn't be too restless.

The third princess watched worriedly, and from time to time wanted to rush up and pull the two little boys away. How did they want to abuse his son?

But King Rui was looking at Hei Jianyu. Chu Huang's wife was much more interesting and mysterious than he imagined. Recently, I heard that she was from the Heijian family of the Shenwu Empire. I don't know if it is true. If it is true Yes, the emperor would probably die of anger, because he wanted Chu Huang to make a fool of himself, and ended up giving Chu Huang such a good wife.

Dr. Wu continued to add medicinal materials to the bathtub, and the last medicinal material was the blood of the live golden krait. The golden krait was kept in a cage. Doctor Wu caught it out with his own hands, cut a hole with a knife, and watched the blood drip. After entering the bathtub, there was a sudden reaction, and blue smoke rose from the bathtub.

Song Zichen seemed to be enduring great pain and wanted to struggle non-stop. The little boy held him tightly. After a while, blood flowed from Song Zichen's ear, and then a worm crawled out.

Dr. Wu hurriedly caught it with a container. It was a transparent container that Hei Jianyu gave him. The worm was as long as a finger. It was wriggling in the container, and it was still covered with disgusting mucus. Shut up and turned around.

Seeing this, the third princess couldn't stop feeling disgusted, but she held it back firmly.

Dr. Wu put the worm aside, then asked the little boy to fish out Song Zichen, put him in clean hot water, rinse his body, and then put him on the bed to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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