Chapter 323
Walking into the house, Hei Jianyu led Ye Qirou into Fangcaoju, and sat in the yard, "How did you get the news so quickly?"

"It's spread everywhere outside, and everyone almost knows about it." Ye Qirou was still sad, she just got married yesterday, and woke up early in the morning to hear that the Yongle Hou Mansion was surrounded by officers and soldiers, and the reason was that she was infected with the plague.

how is this possible?Her mother will not be infected with the plague. Their family has just finished a wedding and no one else in the capital has been infected with the plague. Why do you suspect their family?

"Has it already started?" She thought that Prime Minister Right would keep it a secret for a while, but she didn't expect that those people had already spread the news.

From this point of view, it won't be long before the residents in the capital should demonstrate. If the imperial court puts pressure on it, dozens of people in the Yongle Hou Mansion may be massacred.

This is the system, the ignorant system, for the safety of the people in the capital, it can kill dozens or even hundreds of lives. Therefore, when the plague breaks out every summer, many people will die, and the imperial court will secretly send people to massacre the village .

Dongcheng's system is even more backward than China's thousands of years of feudal system, Hei Jianyu pursed his lips and drank some tea, "Don't worry, you will figure out a way."

Wang Xiang will be able to go to Fengzhou to take up the post after receiving the order in a few days, and Ye Qirou will naturally follow her. After she left, she planned to go to Longhua Temple to become a monk for decades, and often accompany the ancient Qingdeng Buddha. For such a thing, Wang Xiang will not be able to leave the capital for a while, and once the Yongle Hou Mansion loses power, Wang Xiang's career will also be affected.

"Yeah." Ye Qirou tried her best to hold back her tears, she also knew that crying alone would not solve the problem, but she really didn't know what to do.

"I'm going to enter the palace later. If you have nothing to do, just go home and stay. You've just got married. Don't cry. It's unlucky." I don't know if it will be useful to cry out for grievances outside the Qiankun Palace.

"I see." Ye Qirou knew that she couldn't help anything, and she didn't want to hold Hei Jianyu back, so she wiped away her tears and went back.

Hei Jianyu changed her palace clothes and asked Shi Hu to send her into the palace.

There is a big drum for grievances outside the Qiankun Hall, where officials with grievances can beat the drums to express their grievances in order to clear their grievances.

The imperial court was discussing the matter of Nankun Mountain and Li Decheng's rebellion, and Heijian didn't hesitate, and directly beat the drum.

"Who is the outsider playing the drums?" The emperor looked at the ministers who were playing below, and his head hurt a little. The people he promoted were almost empty shells, who could only speak nice things, and could not give them anything.

The old man next to him heard this, and hurriedly sent the little eunuch to investigate the situation. Soon, the little eunuch came back, whispered something in the old man's ear, and the old man went up to tell the emperor.

"Concubine Zhan?" The emperor asked in confusion, "What's the matter with her beating the drums?"

Zuo Xiang stood up at this time and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Pei ordered the Yongle Hou Mansion to be surrounded this morning, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. He said that someone in the Hou Mansion was infected with the plague. Princess Zhan probably did it for this matter." Come to beat the drums and cry for grievances."

Prime Minister Zuo glanced at Prime Minister Right sideways. He and Prime Minister Right had always been at odds. Prime Minister Right was from the Second Prince’s side and wanted to help Second Prince up. Prime Minister Left was an old minister promoted by the late Emperor. Cheng's country is assisted by the current emperor, who dismisses the behavior of the right minister.

"Someone in the Marquis of Yongle was infected with the plague? Can this matter be found out?" The emperor was not a vegetarian either, and he knew that the limelight was not right when he heard it.

If this matter is not handled properly, it is likely to arouse public anger. If one is not careful, there will be peasant uprisings. This is just the time of floods. If the people are forced to rebel again, Dongcheng will probably have a hard time this year.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has already sent people to investigate. The Marquis of Yongle took in a group of refugees yesterday. Those refugees all came from Nankun Mountain. Nankun Mountain is currently experiencing a plague. Just in case, the old minister had to order people to surround the Marquis of Yongle. government, to prevent the plague from spreading." The Prime Minister replied.

(End of this chapter)

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