Chapter 327 Do You Want To Die?
Chu Huang's expression was terrifying, and his eyes were so ferocious that it made people tremble inwardly. Did she never think that she would die?

Hei Jianyu was frightened by Chu Huang's eyes. Even though she had been prepared for it since she entered the door, she had never really seen it.

"I don't want to." No one thinks about death all the time, who doesn't cherish their own life?Hei Jianyu felt that he still cherished his life. "But if I don't go, the emperor will still want my life."

"Your majesty, I will think of a way. You must not go out these few days." If those people can kill Xiao Nian so easily, then it will be easy to kill Hei Jianyu. Let her go out. Let her die.

"I'm not afraid." Hei Jianyu was also stubborn in some aspects, which caused headaches.

"Heijianyu..." Chu Huang was really irritated, did she really understand that he was worried for her and that's why he didn't let her go out.But what's her attitude?To resist him like this.

"My lord, there is a reason for the princess. If she doesn't go out, it may not be safe to stay in the palace." Moreover, Hei Jianyu's going out can attract those people to appear, and can better catch those people.

"Bai Ze, don't have such selfishness." Let him use Hei Jianyu as bait, what if no one can save her this time?Just watch her die?
Chu Huang denied this approach, "I can't let you take any more risks."

He must protect his woman well, instead of using it over and over again.

"I'm willing to go, I don't need your consent." Hei Jianyu is also notoriously stubborn. "I can't stay in Zhanwang Mansion forever, I have to face them, and now is an extraordinary time."

"You..." So he hated her stubbornness the most.

"What's the matter with you?" Bai Ze suddenly turned to Mu Cang. He was indeed wary of Hei Jianyu, and he didn't like her staying in Zhanwang Mansion, but he was not ruthless enough to let her die at will. the point.

"The corpses of officials were found in a ruined temple outside the city." Except for the last time Hei Jianyu killed Uncle Wei Guo and made the emperor worry, they didn't kill anyone. This is not what they say, or someone is doing something conspiracy.

"Who?" Chu Huang was very calm about this matter, as if he was not interested.

"The right minister's disciple, Zhao You, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy." This incident is very strange, and the inexplicable death always feels like an ominous omen.


"I have sent people to investigate, but there will be no news for a while, so we must be on guard. It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no chaos in the capital, and there may be foreign enemies attacking the northern border." Bei Rong harvests every year At that time, they attacked Dongcheng to plunder food for the winter. If there was civil strife in Dongcheng this year, who could guarantee that they would not take advantage of the fire to loot.

"Let General Cui Shiyuan, the leader of Northern Xinjiang, pay attention. If there is any movement in Beirong, send someone to report immediately." Of course Chu Huang knew the seriousness of the matter.

There were too many things happening at once, Chu Huang and the others discussed for a while before Bai Ze and Mu Cang left.


Heijianyu poured a cup of tea and came to Chu Huang's side holding it. The latter sat uncomfortably with his head propped up. He narrowed his eyes slightly. Heijianyu put the tea into Chu Huang's hand and asked softly. Said: "Are you angry?"

She still dare to ask?Chu Huang was furious.

"Are you so unafraid of death?" When you begged him before, didn't you want to do anything, just expecting him to let her go?

"I'm afraid, but I can't stay in Zhanwang Mansion forever and be protected by you, can I?" She is not so fragile yet, she still has the ability to take good care of herself.

"My lord has the ability to protect you." He reached out and stroked her face. The running around these days made her look a little haggard, and the dark circles under her eyes were heavy, which made Chu Huang feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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