Chapter 332 Cruelty Always Has a Reason
"Brother Xie, Qing'er just became more well-behaved, there's nothing wrong with it." The queen mother smiled, and there was some indifference and cruelty in that smile. Xie Kun suddenly felt that he really didn't know her anymore. How could his Wan'er So cruel?
The Queen Mother reached out and stroked Xie Qing's cheek, she smiled lightly, as if she could see through Xie Kun's thoughts, "Brother Xie, don't you feel that you have treated me badly?"

Xie Qing rubbed her hand lightly, like a well-behaved puppy. The queen mother felt very touched, so she touched her face and said softly: "Good boy, I will feed you soon."

That tone was really like teasing a dog, Xie Kun couldn't stand it any longer, he grabbed Xie Qing's wrist, felt her pulse, "What poison did you give her?"

His complexion is ugly, his expression is a bit ferocious, more than one kind of poison, in addition to the mentally degraded forgetfulness, she also gave her ****, no wonder she looks so thin and pale, because Her body has been hollowed out.

"Wangqing, didn't you see it?" The queen mother took out the key and opened the cell door, and walked in. Xie Qing followed her and came to her side. The queen mother asked her to sit aside, and she sat down obediently.

"What do you want to do?" He could see that the queen mother did all this for a purpose, to kill Chu Huang and make the emperor truly the emperor of Dongcheng?If things were really that simple, she should have succeeded long ago?

The queen mother did not speak, she picked up an orange on the table, peeled it, and fed it to Xie Qing, Xie Qing opened his mouth, and ate it obediently, she never said a word, as if she was born unable to speak, The behavior of the queen mother is very gentle, just like when she was young, she led her younger siblings across the river to watch a play, and the younger siblings were nervous one by one.

She is gentle, like light.Xie Kun couldn't see clearly for a moment, did she change or not?

"You can eat too." Xie Qing took an orange to the queen mother, her gaze seemed to be a little gentle for a moment, as if she had self-awareness, but soon, it was empty again.

There is a bottomless pit, an endless abyss. Xie Kun looked at her and remembered her beautiful appearance when she was young. At that time, Xie Qing was like a docile sheep, with the smell of sunshine and peaceful grass on her body, always with a gentle smile , is very kind to everyone in the tribe, and is also very kind to him. Every time I see him, I call her Brother Xie softly, and even help him date Xie Wan.

She is distressing now, looking at Xie Qing like this, Xie Kun felt as if he drank bitter tea, the bitterness went to his stomach.

The queen mother took a bite of the orange that Xie Qing handed over, and then turned to look at Xie Kun, "Do you feel distressed? Looking at her, she doesn't know you."

She was laughing, her voice was harsh, Xie Kun felt a little pain in her eardrums, she didn't understand, she obviously just smiled, although it was a bit loud, it didn't irritate him, but he felt pain, not only his eardrums, but also his head .

"Did you forget that you came to see me? Did you forget that we had a child." The queen mother suddenly became agitated, she raised her head and looked at Xie Kun accusingly, "After you left, you know what I did survived?"

Where was he when she was in the cell?Where was she when she was about to be killed?She is not ruthless, how can she survive in this man-eating palace?She wants to live, so she can even design her own sister.

"I..." He did come to look for the queen mother. Thirty years ago, when he was not convinced and was abandoned like this, he secretly came to the capital and met her, but he didn't know that they had children.

"Brother Xie, if Qing'er let me go, it doesn't mean I will let her go." Xie Qing is stupid, but it doesn't mean she is also stupid. She must stand at the pinnacle of power, and no one can hinder her.

(End of this chapter)

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