Chapter 334

The situation in Nankun Mountain was going smoothly. The plague was not as serious as Hei Jianyu imagined, and it was not so difficult to treat.

After treating the last patient, Dr. Wu breathed a sigh of relief, stood up with his tired back, and sighed with difficulty. Being a good doctor is really not an easy task.

"Princess, these patients are almost all examined. Severe patients are assigned to one room, and mild patients are assigned to another room." Dr. Wu walked towards Hei Jianyu. After this incident, he admired Hei Jianyu more and more. Jian Yu, this princess is really powerful, she understands everything, even the plague can be solved.

Hei Jianyu had just arrived at Zhanwang Mansion, Dr. Wu also had a lot of opinions on her, because Hei Jianyu's reputation in the capital was really not good, and Dr. Wu himself was very feudal, so he looked down on Hei Jianyu very much, until Hei Jianyu Jian Yu rescued Shi Hu, Dr. Wu suddenly became very interested in Hei Jianyu's rescue, and chatted with Hei Jianyu a lot about medical matters, and he really admired Hei Jianyu.

"Well, that's good, let's go back and rest first." After a busy day, it was almost done, and Hei Jianyu felt that his waist was about to break.

She reluctantly stood up, and Jin'er, who came with her, was also very tired. A little boy in tattered clothes and with a dirty face came over holding a bowl of water. His pair of bright black eyes looked innocent and timid. Looking at Hei Jianyu carefully, he handed over the water, "I'll drink it for you."

His voice was very low, he seemed very shy, he was a very innocent child, Hei Jianyu was really thirsty, he picked up the bowl of water, and drank it with a single gulp.

She reached out and touched the child's head. The child seemed to be taken aback and wanted to push her away. Later, when he remembered her identity, he didn't really dare.

"Can the people in our village really survive?" He was eleven or twelve years old, and he didn't quite understand the concept of plague. Like dead.

He was very worried, because his parents, brother and sister were all seriously ill in bed, and they seemed to be in great pain. He had also been ill, but his condition was better, not as serious as theirs, so he recovered soon.

He knew that these people were here to help them. The woman in front of him, they called her the princess, and they heard that she was the princess of Lord Zhan. When I was a child, I always said that if you were disobedient, you would be thrown to the King of War, and he would let wild beasts eat you.

So he always thought that the King of War was a terrifying creature.

"It's okay, it's not even a serious illness." This plague is nothing to the virus system. Hei Jianyu felt dizzy, touched the child's head, and walked to the house prepared for her by the village chief. go.

The child followed him, looking at Heijianyu curiously, until Heijianyu entered the house, and the village chief walked over slowly on crutches, "Princess, you have worked hard."

The village head never thought that they would offend one day. It is not that Nankun Mountain has never encountered plagues before, but they were banned by the court every time. Few of the people sent by the court can control the plague. Kill them all, then burn everything.

It was great for him to meet Hei Jianyu this time.

"If the princess needs anything, you must tell the old man, and the old man will definitely make arrangements." The village head is really grateful to Hei Jianyu. Hearing that Princess Zhan came to Nankun Mountain with her life in danger, that kind of gratitude is hard to express.

"Okay, I'll let Jin'er tell you something." Hei Jianyu is really tired, her health has always been bad, today she has been busy all day without sleep, she is really overdrawn, she presses herself and said: "I want to rest now, if the village chief has nothing to do, please go back."

(End of this chapter)

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