Chapter 351 Auntie

It wasn't until the next morning, when the sky was bright, that Hei Jianyu woke up leisurely.

Chu Huang seems to have a lot of things to do recently. Early in the morning, he was accompanied by Bai Ze to go to court. Hei Jianyu felt incredible that Chu Huang had already started to go to court after only a few days. She thought it was amazing and woke up for a while , and fell asleep again in a daze, only thinking that he was dreaming.

When Chu Huang left, he told the maids not to disturb Hei Jianyu and let her sleep more, but Hei Jianyu still couldn't sleep for long, so he called Jin'er.

The reason is that the old lady of the Ming family sent someone to invite her, saying that her aunt called to see her, and asked her to come over quickly.

No matter how sleepy Hei Jianyu was, she had to get up from the bed, changed her clothes in a daze, and felt a little more awake after washing her face. Looking at herself in the mirror, the dark circles under her eyes looked like a giant panda. Then she raised the corners of her lips and smiled, Yu'er looked at her and asked her why she was smiling, but Hei Jianyu just smiled and didn't tell her.

Yu'er didn't know what Hei Jianyu meant, but only knew that the princess was in a good mood today.

"I heard that Miss Xie Miao, the disciple of Miracle Doctor Xie, lost her temper yesterday and scolded sister Xia Zhu who was serving her in the past, which made sister Xia Zhu very unhappy." When she talked about all the things, there was a bit of contempt in her tone, as if she didn't like Xie Miao's actions very much.

It is shameless to treat yourself as a master of someone who is obviously a guest of the Zhan Palace.

Hei Jianyu listened, but was silent for a while. It is normal for Xie Miao to be angry. Her actions yesterday were suspected of distrusting their master and apprentice. Any flesh and blood person would lose his temper.

After the old matriarch sent someone to call Hei Jianyu, Ji Shi, the eldest daughter-in-law of my aunt, came over and said, "Hey, after becoming a princess, this eldest lady has become a lot more tempered, and even her grandmother didn't come to pay her respects. She is only willing to come here if the old lady asks her to come."

The Ji family just had a grandson a few months ago, and now she has the highest status in the Anyang Prince's Mansion, and has the most foster children under her name, so when she speaks, she is full of confidence.

The old matriarch Ming took a sip of ginseng tea, put his hands into his sleeves, and said: "Sister Yu has been dealing with the plague in Nankun Mountain for the past few days, so she must be tired, otherwise, her filial son Jin, it will definitely come."

Ji didn't think so. She glanced at her aunt and grandma, and then said: "The old lady is kind, but you can't spoil the eldest lady. After all, she is now a princess. If you don't pay attention, you will be punished." It's a joke."

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? Sister Yu is not the eldest lady of my Ming family. The old matriarch is so strict that she will be laughed at even more." Lu Shi, who was sitting next to Mrs. Ming, continued, with a look Looking at Ji Shi with a smile.

My aunt is Mrs. Ming's younger sister, and she married King Anyang, who is the younger brother of the late emperor, that is, Chu Huang's uncle. According to the calculation, the Ji family is still Chu Huang's cousin, and can be regarded as Hei Jianyu's elder .

But in Zhen Guogong's mansion, Hei Jianyu's seniority is obviously lower, but it doesn't matter, because she can only stand on the same line as Chu Huang.

"Then what you said is wrong. After all, the eldest lady is also the granddaughter of the old matriarch, and she is the only one, and she has no mother to control her. If the old matriarch doesn't pay more attention to it, it will be even more ridiculous if she makes jokes." Ji continued to speak, looking at her aunt and grandma as she spoke, as if she was afraid that she might say something wrong.

The old matriarch smiled and said: "With the prince watching, what trouble can Sister Yu cause? Go and see, is Sister Yu here? Today, my aunt and the eldest lady came to see her specially."

Jin Momo had listened to the servant girl's reply before, and said: "Yes, the servant girl went to visit before, Princess Zhan has already woken up, I'm afraid she was tired yesterday, and there is still some distance between the Zhan Palace and the Zhenguo Palace, I'm afraid I need a little help." time."

(End of this chapter)

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